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  1. <p>6 rolls of portra /tri-x just arrived. Cannot wait to test the camera again. </p>
  2. <p>For Roll 4:<br> Ambient light. <br> Outdoors (a park concert) measuring with a hand held gossen meter (analog). <br> It was 6:30pm (summer Sun), I remember using speed 400 and aperture 5.6 for photos where the sun hit the subject (person) directly. No flash (I know, not perfect conditions =S)</p> <p>Thank you for the comments about the expired film. Gives me a good clue of what happened with roll 3. </p>
  3. <p>Wow that was fast. Thanks a lot for this. Done. Never pushing 100 color film to 1600 ever! Did that because I suspected the camera was overexposing, based on the results with Roll2 (tmax). I just think on a method to discard lens fail as a reason: Next roll I'll alternate lens for each shoot. Also i'll use the recommended iso (for portra 400), and check the camera from time to time without the back when taking photos (to make sure the conditions -cold per example- does not affect the function of lens). </p> <p> </p>
  4. <p>Hello all, <br> Not sure if somebody made this question before, hope it is just a simple operator (me) mistake and no need to repair anything. <br> About a month ago I got an RB67 with a 65mm C lens. Shot a couple of Trix and Tmax rolls. I made various mistakes (few double exposures and some photos in vertical orientation with the D slide in); but few frames come out awesome. Learned after these mistakes and made a 9 step check list.<br> MLU position check/speed check/aperture check/shutter cocking/neg advance/back orient check/slide out check/shutter press/mlu press. <br> For the 3rd and the 4th rolls (fuji reala EXPIRED on 2003) the negs after development (by a lab):<br> - Roll 3. Fuji reala 100, pused to 1600 (test), almost all frames were underexposed. A couple of them have almost no information (no light on the film), and 3 came out just well. <br> - Roll 4. Fuji reala 100, esposed to iso 100 (normal). All frames clear, as if never exposed to light. On the edges of the film you can read the exposure numbers after development. One tip of the film appears to be exposed to light (darker than the other areas).<br> I did the 9 check step carefully.<br> Trying to find out what happened with roll 4.<br> If I failed to Remove the dark slide, it was probably for one or two frames at most. So, DArk slide in is not the problem for roll 4. Same for MLU. <br> Roll 1 was shot with the 65mm. Roll 2-4 were shot with the 180mm C lens. I removed the back and fired the shutter several times and saw light coming through everytime. I did this with MLU and non MLU set. The speeds seem to work well (1/400 -1 sec). The mirror moves normally, the aperture blades seem to work well on all settings. Compared the two lens and they behave the same. <br> I had practiced with 2 B&W roll before, so I know how to load a film. I think I used the same procedure for roll 3-4 (may failed on roll 4??)<br> Any ideas on other possible reasons? Expired film? Film defects (film exposure side reversed)? Lens aperture/shutter funtion inconsistent? Developing mistake by the lab? <br> Maybe my camera just doesnt like color XD</p> <p> </p>
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