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Everything posted by patrick_kwong3

  1. <p>I don't have the answer to your problem, but have you had a look at the A12 service manual? I fixed my problem with that, very detailed description.</p>
  2. <p>Obviously, if you can't inset it normally, it means something is blocking the way. Do check what Edward suggested first, some film strips could just block the slot and it's easy to check.<br> If it's clean, check if the tip of your dark slide is slightly bent. Normally, there are some thin metals inside the slot doing things like not letting you remove the back when dark slight is not in...etc. They can get in the way if your dark slide is bent or those thin metal is misplaced. I hope it's not the later.<br> Try wiggle it a bit and slip in the dark slight gently, never force it, it could just make things worse...If you can detach the back, fix it before putting it back in again.</p>
  3. <p>After two months of frustration, the problem is suddenly gone!<br> What happened is I gave the body to my friend for inspection as he suspects it could be a component in the shutter mechanism sticks without warm up. Before he disassemble it, he fired the shutter then left it overnight without cocking. Now the problem is gone!<br> Neither of us can explain why this fixed the problem, I could say it's just pure luck. </p>
  4. <p>yes, I measured it at the small pin outs of the holder, one of them is giving me 6.3v</p>
  5. <p>Tempted by the 110/2, I made an upgrade to 201F from a 503CX I used reliably for years.<br> The first thing I did when I got the camera from ebay is to change the batteries. The shutter does not close(mirror up too) after the set exposure time. But after I fire the camera once in C mode, it works as expected. At first I thought I did something wrong, but the same problem happen again the next morning.<br> After a search in google, I came across this video - <a href=" Our problem is probably the same. People say the battery is dead, so I checked my battery with a multimeter, found it to be 6.3v. Could this be the problem? or do I need to get it CLA-ed before using?</p>
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