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Everything posted by david_thomas26

  1. <p>As a professional photographer of many years experience, I have recently started shooting weddings using a Nikon 28-300 f/3.5-5.6 - it's inherent flexibility and vast zoom range has enabled me to capture more keepers than ever before. Married to a D800 and shooting JPEG, it's a pretty powerful combination:</p> <ul> <li>Lens distortions are handled well at point of capture.</li> <li>Noise is reduced at point of capture.</li> <li>Images are tack sharp on a FX body shooting in Aperture priority mode utilising the auto-ISO function set to a maximum of 4000 and a shutter speed of 1/200s</li> <li>Greatly reduced batch editing times in Lightroom.</li> </ul> <p>Many people have told me this is an amateur lens but I would say this to them; being professional is knowing how to get the best photos for your clients and to this end I would say I am a very happy man. <br> My question is do you really need the expensive f/2.8 zooms when you have such an efficient image processing image as an FX camera body? Could you save yourself some money?</p><div></div>
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