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Everything posted by yclin_lin

  1. <p>Thankyou all,<br> I have updated stolen gear in Lenstag, <br> and is in the process of waiting for Police report and dealing with insurance </p> <p>I want to also update a serial for a stolen lens on that day<br> Leica M 90mm Elmarit F2.8 serial 3711756<br> Thankyou ~</p>
  2. <p>Thank you guys,<br> It has been an awful week, I still can't believe what just happened..</p>
  3. <p>Stolen Leica M9 and lens<br /> My car was parked in front of a restaurant at East Sacramento,California, the window got smashed and the following Leica Equipment with serial was stolen along with 2 other lens that I did not keep a record of it's serial. Please be on the lookout on the secondary market, thanks</p> <p>Leica M9 serial 03836973<br /> Leica Elmarit 21mm ASPH serial 3947004</p>
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