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Everything posted by emily_parks

  1. <p>Lex Jenkins - <br> Thanks you so much for your detailed response!<br> I'm pretty sure it's not the chemicals, the darkroom, or the equipment, since I developed the roll from my Hasselblad and the roll from my Rollei in the same tank at the same time. The film was always stored in the same place, too, so I doubt it got over heated. I'll check out the film door.<br> Thanks again!</p>
  2. <p>Hi all-<br> Recently, when developing film, I noticed that the film I had used with my Rolleiflex was turning out extremely gray and cloudy. I know this is not an issue with my development process, because the film I used with my Hasselblad that I developed at the same time came out perfectly. I took the different rolls from each of the cameras on the same day and using the same light meter, so I deduced it was a problem with the camera. Doesn't look like typical light leak stuff, and I don't think it was simply overexposed, because even the parts of the film between the frames looks unusual. Any ideas as to what's wrong?</p>
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