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Image Comments posted by g1



    Welcome to Pnet Kazz. A lovely portfolio start to your membership here.


    All the NY pics have very nice exposure indeed, and well-thought out compositions.


    With this one, I was wondering if you might be able to rotate it slightly to the right so that the verticals of the building were straighter?


    A great piece of architecture isn't it? An unusual shape for a building. I look forward to seeing more.



    This image reminds me of fractals. It carries that element of infinite regression. The source of the light pulls me in and I wonder where the edges of the petals [paper] on the downside finish. Was the paper folded meticulously in this fashion, or did it fall randomly? I apologise in advance if this question has already been asked. It seems to be placed very well compositionally.


    I don't feel a desire to see the completed folds on the left as suggested, as the 'cut' side seems to balance weight and anchor the picture to the frame. I love it just how it is.


    I enjoy this picture without the need for emotion and messages. It intriques me. Often I find artists try too hard to convey or project deep philosophical meaning, as though it is the sole purpose, but personally I find it equally enjoyable sharing a simple visual experience aswell. Design is an art [and a skill] in itself.


    ooh, just fell short of full marks. That damn cow in the bgrd hiding under her armpit blew it!! I would like a little brighter contrast too if it's in the offering :)
  1. What a stunning outfit!!! However, I'm not too sure about the inclusion of the bgrd at the bottom of the frame. A small crop would remedy and improve this shot for me. I like the anonymity incorporated with the use of the mask, in this OTT glamour impression of [what I assume to be] a very strong character.
  2. This picture has many appealing combinations; the lines of birds v solid ground, blue v red colour, motion v stillness. However, had you some means of gaining height for the angle of the shot [eg a step ladder or motor vehicle to climb on] then the lines would have been much more pleasing because the water/birds/colour bands would not be overlapping and intruding in each others space. Otherwise a pleasing visual which carries the viewer to a snippet of the snowgeese daily/seasonal grind.
  3. Probably a colour profile issue Matt. If you first convert to SRGB it will be as in the browser, then to double check save for web, you get the actual browser preview.


    Interesting picture Brian, and equally interesting discussion. I do prefer the original, not for aesthetic reasons, but because this is a natural event and as a viewer I would prefer it as is for the record, rather than an [attempted] piece of 'appealing' art work.

  4. Crikey! Amazing picture. I know how the slightest movement of cam or subject throws it all out due to the drastically limited dof. Amazing colours too. How were the colours so blue & red?
  5. Igor, this photo is superb. At first I thought perhaps the light was too hot between her shoulder blades, but there is indeed a little tone in there!

    The mystery, mood, and aesthetic composition, as well as the lighting, really leaves a strong impression with me.

  6. I really like many pictures in Igor's portfolio but I have to say this isn't one that stands out for me. I agree with those that mention the murkiness in tone. Don't get me wrong, I like low contrast a great deal in photographs, but this one is 70% five shades of mid grey, with a narrow 30% of one highlight and lowlight tone. Low contrast photos work best when there are oh so subtle gradients from one range to the next, which I miss here. Also Scott does have a point about the nude looking out of place. Yes her curves are replicated by the mountains, and yes fine art isn't intended to convey 'reality', yes it is about symbolism... but even so she looks precariously balanced, ill at ease posturally, and not comfortably 'blending' with the surroundings at all in my opinion.

    Nevertheless I consider this photo a good POW choice for one reason, because here we share so many different perceptions of the photo. An excellent example demonstrating how 'taste' 'preference' or whatever ultimately rules our final judgement.

    Igor has several striking photos in his portfolio. I realise he didn't choose this one himself, but it would be interesting to know which single piece of work he would have chosen himself given the opportunity!

  7. A delicate and gentle relation of such a tiny corner of the wide wide world. The variation of dof in the separate elements of the plant create an ethereal and abstract quality. The plant seems fragile and the light/exposure is highly appealing. B&W is an effective choice here as I imagine colour would drown the subtlety of shapes and tones. This picture leaves an impression with me.

    Romantic passion

    Maria, as if it weren't enough that you cannot accept critique and honest opinion graciously, you then show extremely immature behaviour by immediate revenge rating! Visitors can see here a 3/3 rate by Maria in my folder very soon after I placed 3/3 on this photo.

    Church in IR.

    Crikey Igor, I am impressed with this! Since I have been so critical of some your past works, I felt I owed it to come and praise this one.

    I was wondering how long the exposure was as IR does make for longer exposures and the clouds show movement? That motion in the sky looks great in contrast to the sharpness of the rest of the picture.

    Well done, it's beautiful!

    Romantic passion

    Maria, I was talking of the type of people that cliche romantic pictures and stories appeal to - not you.

    I saw all your other pictures already and the people pictures didn't strike me very much as capturing anything special, out of the ordinary, touching, and they weren't shot in an original way. I preferred your nature photos. "On the way to be good" was my personal favourite, but that too seems over-rated as it is still not a masterpiece imo.

    Romantic passion

    Maria I have nothing against love, but I do not like 'cliche' representations of it very much. I only gave my opinion. Your reaction is so funny. No need to be so defensive!

    Although you admit yourself that conditions and the resulting photo were not optimal in this instance, you must surely see that the high ratings contradict this statement. Please be open to the relatively small number of viewers who do not appreciate this picture so much - it should come easy to you considering there are so many that seem to adore it!

    Romantic passion

    Sorry but less than average for me. The light is very poor, as is the colour balance. The composition works but the subject itself reminds me of the pics you get in magazines, to accompany the soppy stories for desperately lonely teenage girls.
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