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  1. Thanks darin. It was an spotmatic sp and the mirror would close now and then so i ditched it. Ok so only dedicated lenses works full aparture! Any experinces with fujinon lenses? I can buy some really cheap fujinon 55 mm 1.8 and a 200 mm 4.5. ( it comes with a fujica st801 which i dont know if it is any good - i think i can at least use the lenses on my mamiya msx as it has m42 mount)
  2. Not long ago my pentax spotmatic broke. So i was left with two very nice lenses a 55 mm 1.8 and a35 mm 3.5 takumars. Then i found out that these could be used in any m42 mount cameras ecxept that they would only work in stop down mode at least in my new mamiya 500 msx. I dont realley care bacause it dosent seem to be a problem for me at least. Sp now a hole new world of m42 mount lenses and cameras has opende up for me..hurray..So i was wondering which m42 mount lenses could be the best combo for my two cameas: the maiya 500 msx and the praktica mtl3 ( im getting next week). ( In konw that mamiya sekor lenses would work in full aparture mode but as i said ..i dont mind stoping down ). What im looking for my self is: pentax takumar, pentacons, fujinons or mamiya sekor...any combo better than others?
  3. Ok thaks i understand now . But what is the difference between the automatic a and manal b settings. I know with A it aparture are wideopen when focusing but at B it is not?
  4. Depth of field view/ stop down metering - what in the world is this all about ? The depth of field -all what i see happens is the finder gets all dark - anyone can explain :) ?
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