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Everything posted by shannon_thetford

  1. <p>Could someone give me some recommendations for a filter holder and filters for my Mamiya RZ67 Proii. If my thinking is correct all one would need is an adapter ring (77mm) and just use a 100x100 filter. If my thinking is not correct please point me in the right direction.</p> <p>Thank You</p>
  2. <p>Thank you to all the responses. I guess for right now I'll use the double i have but will definitely be on the look out for the single and the air one for sure.</p>
  3. <p>New here and very new to film photography. I just purchased a Mamiya RZ67 Proii with 90mm lens. I also purchased a Mamiya double cable release but have been doing some reading and now think that I should have went with just the lens one. So here is my question, can i use the double cable but just attach the cable that goes to the lens and use it the same way as a single cable release?</p> <p>Thank you</p>
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