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  1. <p>Hi,<br />I have the Mamiya RZ which I love and have used for several years now. I hadn't used it in 8 months, and am suddenly getting all my slide film almost black (underexposed) after processing. I can barely see the image in a few shots, but nothing that I can scan and rescue. I've tried everything and have hit a wall, hope someone can help!<br> - Sent the camera for repair, and apparently is working fine<br> - Tried 7 different rolls already (new, old, etc) to make sure the slide film wasn't the problem, am shooting in studio with natural light, so conditions are the same each time.<br> - Tried bracketing +3, -3 and more... still all black<br> - Tried shooting against a grey background, still black. (When I shoot the same image with a Canon 7D the picture is perfect.)<br> So, I'm back to square 1, wondering if it could be something as simple as the battery? Am hoping to shoot one more roll to see if this is the problem, but am wondering if the camera would shoot on the white knob even if the battery isn't working properly (not the emergency orange one when the battery dies)? And if a low battery would cause all these rolls to come back severely underexposed? Any other ideas of what I'm doing wrong??<br> Thanks!</p>
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