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Image Comments posted by abbasian



    Thanks Tony for your comment. I could not agree more about them "being work of art". I have not watched that show, but I will see if I can find some episodes of it, in the youtube. Thanks for the recommendation.





    Congratulations! Great shot, demontrating the amazing Persian architecture with lots of details! Engaging POV and good DOF! Splendid shot!

    Respectfully, Mehrdad.

    Angry Goose!


    This is what happens when you go to wetlands at 5:30 am and you surprise

    the goose couple in the wrong spot! The male sees you as the rival/threat

    and tries to get rid of you! I can tell you it works! LOL!

  1. Many thanks again for your constructive critique.

    I have cloned them out and here is the result attached to this comment. I am very happy with the result and appreciate your nice suggestion again.



  2. Many thanks my friend, Tony, for your kind comment. 

    I have done the focus stacking mainly in the Macro photography and am familiar with it. To be honest with you, I tried stacking for this one as well. Unfortunately though, as it was a windy day and the flowers were moving, the result of stacking in PS was unsatisfactory. But I completely agree with you that there is insufficient DOF in this one.

    Respectfully, Mehrdad.

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