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Javier Gutierre

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Everything posted by Javier Gutierre

  1. <blockquote> <p ><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=3766564">Hin Man</a> , Oct 06, 2015; 01:03 p.m.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p>Hi Javier, I miss you and the good old times. The other day when I saw your thread, I almost want to post the deal link for the K-3 in <a href="http://www.adorama.com/IPXK3.html" rel="nofollow">Adorama with the DA 50 f/1.8 and a simple flash</a> for $649.99. I remember that you don't like the K-5 and hence I hesitate to post my suggestion. While the K-50 is cheaper and likely the best bang for $299, I would think the K-3 will fit you better with better built body. If I were in your shoes trying to get a dependable WR body from Pentax, I will go with K-3. <br /><br />Cheers,<br />Hin</p> </blockquote> <p>Hey Hin, How wonderfully cool to hear from you. I actually Liked my K-5, It was the K-7 I truly hated. I may still purchase a K-3. Depends on how well I like the K50. One of the main reasons I liked the K50 is because it uses the same Sony sensor that is in the D7000 that I love. <br> Thanks a bunch, Javier</p>
  2. <blockquote> <p>I agree with Wayne: Javier, good to see you here again!<br> I wouldn't get my hopes too high on the C.AF. The 18-135 isn't supposed to be all that bad but it's not a very big quality leap. There is a new (pricier and larger) 16-85 which should be better. Both offer relatively good DC in-lens AF motors while the 18-55 still uses the noisier in-body motor.<br> The K-50's shutter is not as quiet as the one in the K-7/5/3 series but I guess since you've ordered it you'll find that out soon enough!</p> </blockquote> <p>Thanks Andrew !<br> Not putting much hope in AFC, I know that it is not Pentax strong point. So long as it locks focus fairly quick, with out that skip that the K20 and K-7 had, it will be good. Come to think of it, the K-5 did not have that skip. <br> Thanks again.<br> Javier</p>
  3. <blockquote> <p>You can't find a better bargain out there than the K50 body if you already have Pentax lenses. I have the K-30 which is basically a K50 before cosmetic surgery and the shutter is very quiet,. Of course, no shutters are as quiet as the K3 or K5iis., they are phenomenally quiet.<br> Glad to see you setting foot in the photo.net Pentax Forum again, Javier. We missed you.</p> </blockquote> <p>Thanks for the kind words Wayne. I have always loved this forum. By far the friendliest and most informative on photo.net as far I am concerned. The shutter is not super important to me, but Nikon's shutters are quiet and I got used to them. For the $300.00 for the K50 body, I wILL order one today.</p> <p>Thanks Javier</p>
  4. <blockquote> <p>Between the K-50 and the K20D, I'd surely choose the K-50. The K-50 is from after when Pentax had good high ISO performance, the K20D from before. The K-50 has two generations newer autofocus engine (SAFOX IX+ versus SAFOX VIII). Both have pentaprism finders.<br> </p> </blockquote> <p>Thanks a bunch John. Good point on the high ISO and that will surely be a bonus !</p>
  5. <blockquote> <p>Any particular reason to not trust Nikons in the rain? I don't know enough about Pentaxes, but I do know that the high-end Nikons will do as well in the rain as any of the other pro-level camera.<br> </p> </blockquote> <p>Thanks for the response Wouter. The reason is purely feel and experience. I know that the Nikon has a ''weather-sealed body'' but Nikon says very little about it. Pentax really pushes this feature. Really, when you hold both bodies, it is obvious that the Pentax is much better sealed in my opinion. Having used my K20D in extremely bad conditions of all kinds and have seen no issues what so ever, This is my reason. So completely un scientific. Now I do realize Nikon DSLR's are used all over in the world in much worse conditions that I will be in, but again. I am looking at my own experience. Another point of consideration is that I have quite a few really good lenses for Pentax. <br> </p>
  6. <p>Hi Folks,<br> Having read a few threads on the K50, I have a few questions.<br> How do the shutters compare as far as noise? How does the auto focus compare as far as focus speed goes? How is AFC? How do the noise levels compare? By all accounts, this camera is widely praised. I will be using it on a trip where I expect allot of rain. </p> <p>I am also considering the 18-55WR with it. I read terrible things about the 18-135WR which is the one I really wanted until all the reviews. <br> I had a K5llS but loaned it to my kid and never got it back :) </p> <p>p.s. I have some of the best Nikons out there, but do not trust them in the rain. The K50 seems to be king for this for what I can tell.</p> <p>Thanks Javier</p>
  7. <blockquote> <p>good to know. but getting the D750 without a headline performer of a lens is not winning, IMO.<br> </p> </blockquote> <p>I completely agree. In fact I collected most of my lenses when I had my D300s and D700. The nikon 14-24f/2.8, 24-70 F/2.8 and the rest are nikon primes with a few of the higher end Sigmas and Tamron lenses.<br> </p>
  8. <blockquote> <p ><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=8654603">Tom Dubowski</a> , Sep 17, 2015; 02:29 p.m.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p>Pretty sure you;'d be better off geting the 17-55mm 2.8 for the DX. Same focal as the 24-70 on the FX body. If you plan on upgrading to D750 at some point, dont bother with DX lenses. Just make the jump now. I just went from that same body (d7000) to a D750, and WOW, what a world of difference. DR and ISO noise is just amazingly better</p> </blockquote> <p>I could not agree more. The difference between the D750 and D7000 is truly night and day. The differences between the D7200 and D750 is still on the big size. (Currently I own the D7000, D7100, D7200, D750 and D800E. Between those 5, the D750 is king, especially in auto focus speed. By the way, I am convinced that Nikon could bring the D7200 CLOSE to D750 performance with a firmware upgrade. i ESPECIALLY love the group focus.<br> But it is true, DX lenses should stay on Dx bodies. I have been debating the 24-120 F4 but after reading this thread, I will pass.<br> A great thread all. Thank you.</p>
  9. <p>Good luck with this. I could not get it to work on my I phone, but on android it works ''OK'' at best.</p>
  10. <p><img src="/bboard/<a%20data-flickr-embed="true"%20%20href="https:/www.flickr.com/photos/jgredline/20398258613/in/dateposted-public/"%20title="Simply%20Precious"><img%20src="https:/farm1.staticflickr.com/640/20398258613_30baf6e7de_b.jpg"%20width="1024"%20height="716"%20alt="Simply%20Precious"></a><script%20async%20src="/embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js"%20charset="utf-8"></script>" alt="" /></p>
  11. <p>Eric has hit the nail on the head. <br> I have one of those lenses and for the money it can't be beat. I shoot mine at F2/8 ALMOST all the time.<br> Here are two samples.<br> https://www.flickr.com/photos/jgredline/20398258613/in/dateposted-public/<br> Those are on a D750, but I was using that very lens this past weekend on my D7100. I will pull some images and post them up.</p>
  12. <p><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=3670956">Eric Arnold</a></p> <p>I have always and still enjoy reading your post. You are always so right on !<br> Keep writing,<br> Javier</p>
  13. <p>Having owned both of those lenses, the 77 was the quicker locking of the two. In fact the 50 was quite slow. </p>
  14. <p>That is all great advice. The only thing I would add is use F8 and turn the Vibration control off. You will not need it or should ever use it at shutter speeds of 1/500 and up. I would also go a min of 1/800 and yes, only use the 11 point option.</p>
  15. <p>I read many of these threads and I tell my self to stay out of them and yet here I am. So here are my 2 cents worth and these are only my personal opinions based on my owning knowledge of some of these bodies. Currently I own a D300s, (Sold my D700), D7000, D7100, D7200 D800E and just purchased a D750. My passion is street photography and nothing is more important to me than Auto focus speed and a nice clean capture rate. First, while the D300s and the D700 were cutting edge when they came out and yes they do give 8fps, what is never mentioned is how many of those captures were out of focus, noisy and the sensors in shadows and high contrast situations simply can't compete with these new modern sensors. As for image quality in real world pixel peeping of which for my style of shooting I do not do, I see very little difference between the the D7000, D7100. In fact, when I went to the D7100 from the D7000, I was hugely dissapointed. I could not see the difference that DPR saw in their review. In fact, I prefer the D7000 over the D7100. When the D7200 came out, I kept reading and hearing of how great the D7200 focus speed and image quality is, so I bought one with great skepticism. Now that D7200 is an animal. It is a beast. Awesome autofocus speed, killer DR, Rarely miss focuses. This is a huge upgrade and now my most used camera. In fact it is the performance of the D7200 that caused me to purchase the D750 and again, this camera does not disappoint. While not a huge upgrade over the D7200, it gives my pictures with a different feel. I love the face detection and the DOF at the same normal appertures I shoot at. I love it, especially as it starts to get dark and I can keep shooting. The lenses seem to perform better for a reason I can't explain. But the same lenses seem to focus better on the D750 over the D7200. As for the D800E, I rarely use it. The Autofocus speed is simply not there. That is however my go to camera when shooting my Daughters Volleyball or basket ball games. For indoor use it Rocks. As for my sons Football games, That D7200 is untouchable. It laughs at my old school D300S. If you wish to see some of my pictures, I leave all the EXIF info all them. If the link is not cool, then a mod can delete it. But in there you will see pictures with the above mentioned bodies along with many others. Again, I am just a hobbyist....<br /> Thanks for reading<br /> Javier <br /> https://www.flickr.com/photos/jgredline/<br> https://www.flickr.com/photos/jgredline/</p>
  16. <p>Chris....Post some some pics. :)<br> and congrats. It is amazing how much technology has improved. </p>
  17. <p>Currently I have a K20D with over 147000 shutter actuation's (last I checked)... Yes, it is old and very much loved and still kicking but. I did just purchase a K5ll's. Why would someone who currently owns a D7000, D7100, D7200, D750 and a D800E purchase a Pentax (Not even the current model) ? Because, If I dare say it, Pentax cameras are better built and better weather sealed than the Nikon, atleast the Nikon DX models. I am going on a trip to the middle east soon and want to travel light, hence the K5ll's. The Pentax lenses are the smallest, lightest and some of the sharpest, at least in my experience. Where Nikon does Kill Pentax and Canon for that matter, is in Auto focus speed and Low light shooting. That I will miss on my trip, but I am choosing weight and weather sealing vs focus speed. Image quality is virtually identical to me.<br> Anyway, don't pay no mind to KR. He is only trying to feed his growing family.<br> </p>
  18. <p>Why would you all pay attention to a narcissist who exploits his kids on his website?</p> <p align="left">''I support my <a href="http://www.kenrockwell.com/ryan/index.htm">growing family</a> through this website, as crazy as it might seem.</p> <p align="left">The biggest help is when you use any of <a href="http://www.kenrockwell.com/links.htm#stores">these links</a> when you get<em>anything</em>. It costs you nothing, and is this site's, and thus my family's, biggest source of support. ''</p>
  19. <p>Hi Folks. <br> I have the old school version of this lens. Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC HSM Art Lens for Nikon.<br> I love this lens and is in my top three of the many lenses I own. I love it. Problem is that the HSM motor has recently started to make noise and is now slow to focus and misses. No complaints. I purchased it used 5 years ago and has made thousands and thousands of photos. So my question is this. There are quite a few on craigs list for between 250 and 330 bucks. If this new lens, the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 DC HSM Art Lens for Nikon is an upgrade; then I would rather purchase new. But often, that is not the case. Some old school items are sometimes better. <br> p.s. What is an ''ART'' lens? <br> Any thoughts, opinions and comments are greatly appreciated.<br> Thanks Javier</p> <p>http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/918893-REG/sigma_30mm_f_1_4_dc_hsm.html</p>
  20. <p>I shoot Primes 95% of the time and mostly street. I am planning a short trip and will carry a min amount of equipment. Actually a D7200 body and hopefully this lens. I do not expect ''prime lens'' quality, but I would expect better than Sigma (18-250) or Tamron (18-270)quality. Any advice or opinions are greatly appreciated. <br> Thanks Javier</p> <p>http://www.nikonusa.com/en/Nikon-Products/Product/Refurbished-Camera-Lenses/AF-S-NIKKOR-28-300mm-f%252F3.5-5.6G-ED-VR-Refurbished.html</p>
  21. <p>K20D with SMC-A 28 F/2.8</p><div></div>
  22. <p>K20D with SMC 28F/2.8....One of the best rain cameras ever made in my humble opinion.</p><div></div>
  23. <p>K20D with SMC 28F/2.8....One of the best rain cameras ever made in my humble opinion.<br /><br /></p>
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