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  1. <p>I am failry new to wedding photography, having only set up my business last year. So far, so good and I am really enjoying it. I just have one issue and was looking for some advice from fellow photographers...<br> What do you do when you have a full days wedding photography, but hours to wait imbetween certain stages? For example:<br> I have a wedding next week - the reception after the ceremony lasts from 2.30 - 4.30pm with the meal starting around 4.30pm but then the evening dance and the band doesn't start untill 8/8.30pm. During the meal is fine as I usually go and find somewhere quiet to sit and eat but after this there will be around a 3 hour gap of "hanging around" waiting for the evening celebration to begin. I don't want to disapear for 3 hours when I have been paid to work but at the same time, there is only so many candid shots you can get... <br> Do any other photographers share this problem? If not how do you manage your time better? <br> <br />Thank you! </p>
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