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Everything posted by jj_golden

  1. <p>number 5 (im getting my numbers mixed up)</p><div></div>
  2. <p>number 2 was actually taken last spring, anyway number 3</p><div></div>
  3. <p>Here are a few that I back in the fall and late summer, these were shot with the rittreck view 4x5 back</p><div></div>
  4. <p>love those ads! some of those cameras were pretty pricey back in the day</p>
  5. Hey chuck yes I did enjoy infrared but since efke stopped making it I stopped as well. I shoot mostly 5x7 now which I like a lot
  6. <p>shot with the rittreck view 5x7, 305mm repro claron, delta film</p><div></div>
  7. <p>Excellent Rick! love that balloon, I actually dug out my old retina after seeing this, I haven't shot 35mm in forever, thanks for the post</p>
  8. <p>at one time Kodak made some of the finest large format lenses available, the ektar and commercial ektar line, also some fine 35mm and medium format cameras that still fetch a nice price.</p>
  9. Thanks guys for the warm welcome . These were taken in tennessee bill and yes I used to shoot with a 2x3. Been several years since I have been on here good to see the old crew again
  10. I'm pretty sure wista may have been the only one to do so. The problem with the 8x10 back is this : wide angle limitation of about 180mm because of the bellows and about 400mm on the long side it will vignette because of the 5x7 hole
  11. <p>I know this is an old thread but that is a lot of money for a graflex, a person could have shopped around a bit and got a really nice field camera for that</p>
  12. <p>The cool thing about the Rittreck view is how many formats you can shoot with it. It is actually a 5x7 camera but they make a 4x5 back, a full plate back, and an 8x10 back for it, here is what it looks like with the 8x10 back.</p><div></div>
  13. <p>sure, here it is, from around 1970</p><div></div>
  14. <p>that was shot with a 355 red dot artar, here is another</p><div></div>
  15. <p>I think I forgot how to load images</p><div></div>
  16. <p>Hi all its been a while since I have been here, hope all are doing well</p>
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