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Posts posted by ryan_gould1

  1. <p>It's just so odd that one roll would appear to be fine and the other not, which is what makes me think it is not a problem with the developer or fix or tilt of the rotary processor. I imagine it is an error with the extension tube. It may not have been fully mounted or something silly like that and had a minor light leak. I'll test it later tin the week.<br>

    The fixer is quite old, however. Truthfully, no one ever gave me a strait answer how long fix should last so I kept using it. I've recycled the same gallon for the last nine months, just pouring the used stuff back into the gallon bottle. I don't do this practice with any other chemical but the fixer, and it feels wrong every time I do it, but the guy at the camera store say fix lasts forever and never told me how to text it. Thank you for your advice. I'll test the fix. How long should it last for and should I really be pouring the used contents back into the parent bottle?</p>

  2. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I'm a large format portrait photographer looking for some lights that will allow me to have dim-able modeling lights. Although I've used a variety of lighting systems in the past, I do not have any gear currently, so this is a fresh start.<br>

    The first thing I would like is to be able to get a visual representation of lighting ratios rather than popping the flash and spot metering various areas of the sitter's face and working off the numbers.<br>

    So, recently I played around with a couple Diva Lights on either side of the sitter's face and really liked the control and results. I started thinking about constant light sources, which led me to watching a video of Zabolight system, which boasts a high light output from a 100 watt LED. The video actually compared it to a Diva and had more light output than the Diva. So, the Zabolight Z2 is option number one.<br>

    Option number two is the Paul C. Buff Einstein. Keeping in mind that this is a fresh start, I'd still like the option for strobes, and the Einsteins boast a 250 watt voltage controlled modeling lamp. That is 150 more watts than the LED. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't wattage act as a measure of brightness? Wouldn't that mean that the Einsteins would give me the same control over output as the Zabolight LEDs but more output in the modeling lamp? I'm also able to apply a host of lighting modifiers to the Einsteins giving me control over quality of light as well as quantity. Yes, the Zabolights allow for temperature control, but I'm not concerned about having to gel the Einsteins. For four of the Einsteins at the price of one Zabolight, I'll gladly gel Einsteins. That said, do the Einsteins have a daylight balanced modeling light or a tungsten?<br>

    So, in short, my questions are:<br>

    1. Does wattage equate to quantity of light?<br>

    2. Do the modeling lamps on the Einsteins have equal to or more than the quantity of light output as the Zabolight Z2?<br>

    3. Are the Einstein modeling lamps daylight balanced or tungsten? If they are tungsten, I shouldn't have a problem gelling them, right? <br>

    Thank you for your input! I'll post links to the lights below.<br>

    <a href="http://www.paulcbuff.com/e640.php">http://www.paulcbuff.com/e640.php</a><br>

    <a href="/bboard/">http://www.zabolight.com/inc/sdetail/z2_bi_color_1_x2____new_high_cri__in_stock/35</a><br>

    <a href="

  3. <p>Thanks for the quick response Charles. To answer your questions:<br>

    1. the total volume of developer was 270ml (10ml of Rodinal + 260ml of water). The total volume of fixer was also 270ml.<br>

    1a. The total volume required for two rolls of 120 film listed on the tank is 270ml.<br>

    2. The roll with proper results was shot a month ago. The roll with gray frame data and seemingly overexposed images was shot yesterday.<br>

    3. Both rolls were exposed in the same camera (Hasselblad 500cm)<br>

    4. The lens/shutter was the same for both rolls, however I did use a 10mm extension tube on the roll that came out poorly. With that said, I've used extension tubes before with no errors.</p>

  4. I have a quick question for the community. I recently developed two rolls of 120 tri-x 400 in Rodinal (one part developer + 25 parts

    developer. I develop in the Jobo 1510 tank on a CPP2, so I presoaked the film in water to eliminate any over developing due to increased

    aggitation as per Jobo's recommendation. Developed for 5 minutes, one minute stop, and 5 minute fix followed by a 5 minute wash and



    One of the rolls developed normally and looks great. The other, however, turned out way overexposed. The negatives are dense and

    have very little contrast, so I thought it was user error. Then, I noticed that the data on the edge of each frame (e.g. Frame number, film

    stock, etc.) is gray rather than black. So, what do you think went wrong?


    At first I thought it wasn't enough fixing time, but that would mean that both rolls would have the same error. So what's going on here?


    Thank you!

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