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  1. I will be doing a lot of fine art portraits, live music events, weddings, etc. I need a lighting kit to help me create more dramatic photos. I was a photographer at a chain studio for 8 years. I learned alot but I was extremely artistically restricted. I have no experience manually setting up and using off camera lighting. I just want a basic speedlite kit that I can learn the basics. I have always loved my Xti and the addition of the 55 prime only made it better. I am just ready for an upgrade. I have my eye on either the t5i or preordering the t6s.
  2. I currently own a Canon Xti, a couple of kit lenses and a 50 prime. I recently broke my Canon speedlite 430. I consider myself an advanced amateur with average knowledge basic photography and lightning techniques. I want to take my photography to the next level and really start creating a portfolio of my work. Camera: I need recommendations on what camera to get. lighting equipment: I want to build a basic mobile studio. I need very low cost equipment to get the flash off camera. Any other accessories or equipment You can recommend that I will need. If you had a small budget of $1500, what would you purchase?
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