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Everything posted by jim_smith42

  1. <p>Thank you for all of the great information and points you have raised. I perhaps used the an incorrect phrase "work for hire" . The client did not propose this, I assumed my work would be considered done under this type of engagement, as I would be doing work for them during 5 days. I have since structured the proposal that I own the images and included licensing period and a page of terms and conditions I was able to get related to photography services.<br> One new question: Since I will be providing images throughout 5 day event for their web sites , before I will submit my invoice, how do you handle a line like this?<br> "RIGHTS LICENSED ONLY UPON FULL PAYMENT OF TOTAL BILLING AND SUBJECT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS BELOW"<br> They "will" be using the images before payment. e.g. they can use the images but will allows a photographer to go after the client if they don't end up paying? <br> Thanks again</p>
  2. <p>Hi, very interested in what I should quote a potential customer.<br> Background: I do photography as a hobby and have done a few paid engagements (team photos), etc. I contacted this local promotion company previously and offered to shoot a pro beach volleyball event for free. I wanted to test the waters. The event covered about 6 days and they were very happy with my work. Said they would love to work with me in future on a paid engagement. They are the main promoter for a national university event championship coming up. I contacted them and the owner listed the multiple events and we left it as I would provide a quote. The events cover 5 days and total around 21 hrs of "event time". (Does not include my travel, arriving early, photoshop post production, prep , rentals, etc.<br> I would really like to do the job, but I also want to be professional about it and not do it for next to nothing. I also need to consider this is a part time thing for me and I am not a pro who has been doing events like this for years. If you could offer a price range you believe a typical pro photographer would charge that would be great. I would probably stick with the low end of the range. Getting the job and the credit is the primary objective.<br> Thanks</p> <p> </p>
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