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Everything posted by heather_fazelinia

  1. <p>Hi Ralph, we use a dedicated gaming server, we pay another party. My fiancee had informed me that the game host servers are cheaper and faster. He also mentioned that because it has to be good enough to host and support games it's usually higher quality over all, and that not many people know about it. I guess they will now. :)<br> -Heather</p>
  2. <p>Hi Ralph,<br> Thank you for the compliments. I actually use a wordpress template but it is hosted on a server that my fiancee set up for me (he is my tech support). He said he uses a good server that is "faster" than most. It might be that you need to change hosts, or the fact that you need to perhaps update your template. Sometimes that helps. Also make sure your images are optimized but I think some templates and/or plugins do this automatically with wordpress. I wonder if the update helped because I remember my site taking forever to load.<br> <br />Also, I have been updating my website the past few weeks since I started this post. I wanted to say that I did change the about page, although I am not finished I will add more of my story on a blog post so I don't bore people. I also want to add a FAQ page, and a pricing/investments page. <br> I decided against putting my logo on every single page, I really think it looks tacky and does not compliment my template. <br> I did go ahead and add my phone number, but I am terrible at answering my phone lol.<br> I also changed the main menu background, I hear picture backgrounds are trendy now days.<br> I attempted to fix some SEO meta tag problems but I am learning that process. <br> It is indeed a work in progress. </p> <p>Thanks!</p>
  3. <p>Joel, thanks you really made me laugh. And good feedback, I agree and never really thought about such.</p>
  4. <p>First of all, I would like to say thank you to every one of you who took the time to critique my website. I assure you I am taking notes! I also thank you for the complements to my pictures; my heart is filled with glee!<br> <strong>I. What I plan to change:</strong><br> 1. I will definitely add my location. I cannot believe I overlooked this lol.<br> 2. I will add more about my ability to photograph, specifically how I plan for the wedding days and how I go about executing (EUREKA)! I do not have a lot of experience nor do I have any publications to brag about. I have been a photographer for 11 months. What do you think?<br> 3. I will by default have the music off but leave it as optional (royalty free song). I agree that this is annoying, I too am a person who often is startled by auto music pages but I thought I was exceptional, although I do like the song that I chose.<br> 4. Pricing – I may not give an all exclusive list but a starting price so people at least know what tier.<br> 5. I will fix the wedding and detail to a swiping rather than clicking arrow format to be better suited for all platforms.</p> <p><strong>II. What I will consider:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Adding a phone number. I suppose I could leave a number but having a full time job on top of this it would likely just go to voicemail. Just out of curiosity how would that make you feel if you had to leave a voicemail about your inquiry? I am much better with emails.</li> </ol> <p>III. <strong>What I need to learn about before I can implement changes:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Robert, you also indicated the flash page is annoying, is this because of the lack of name, because of the music, or is there another reason why it is annoying? </li> <li>Jeff, you indicated that I should have more info on every page, at least my name. Could you be more specific about the type of info I need and/or show me an example? As far as the name should I just restamp my name/logo on each page? Should I caption each picture?</li> <li>I may have gone a bit overboard with the personal info. From what I understand transparency and hobbies can be leveraged for a good client fit. Jeff, any advice as to how much I should reveal about myself?</li> <li>Which images seems flat/off color balance. I actually went through the photos and noticed one that was obviously off white balance that I did not catch prior.</li> <li>SEO – I am still learning about this confusing topic but according to Neil Patel, google made changes to the algorithm and it is more about content and less about meta tags. Please correct me if I am wrong!</li> <li>Getting rid of the cross out line on the menu text. I am not 100% sure how to do this yet, I will have to google it.</li> <li>I will have to google the following (Facebook Open Graph. When people (including you) post your site on FB, it will look <a href="/wedding-photography-forum/00d4qm">professional </a>. )</li> <li>As Far as the social networking links, I will double check the links but I thought they were in working order. I will however add them to my about page as well.</li> <li>I read a few books on branding and am still quite confused on it. I am trying to create an identity as a business with a transparent personal life so that “brides feel like they know me” but I am finding this to be the most difficult part. I am not really sure what my values are or my target client. Sure they are brides, but what kind? I don’t know.</li> <li> I will have to learn about how to make my site compatible to all platforms. I may have to pay someone. In reference to “The "Portfolio" page also does not auto-resize correctly if the tablet orientation is changed from landscape to portrait. It appears to be optimized for landscape viewing only.”</li> </ol> <p>I have spent more time on the business aspect of things than I have been shooting…they weren’t lying! I am having a blast though. I am currently learning how to blog, which actually just learning how to write and a bit of marketing. *takes a deep breath*<br> Again, wonderful, wonderful feedback!<br> Sincerely,<br> Heather</p>
  5. <p>Hi everyone,<br> I recently redid my website and wanted some honest feedback about it. The blog aspect is not done; I am currently in the process of creating content. I collaborated with my fiancee to make the logo and background on the main menu page and I am feeling it is a bit tiny bopper. Anyway feedback would be greatly appreciated.</p> <p>www.heatherfazelinia.com<br> Thanks all,<br> Heather</p>
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