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Everything posted by spanky_mcfarland

  1. <p>Hello, there are loads of links on how to Ps to gain the Corbjin Lith 'look'. Here's how its done old school and I'm not sure if any of the materials are still available: You will need a good B&W neg, Tri-x was always best for me, nice and grainy too. Fibre Paper, New Oriental is the only one for me, grade 1 or 2, low contrast as the dev is going to push that up. Kodak Lith Developer type A and B. You will need to play around with the ratio but if I remember correctly, it was about 1:3 respectively and that solution 1:3 water. Keep the dev around 22 degrees. A good stop and fix bath too. The process takes a lot of trial and error so be patient. So in the darkroom, underexpose the print I'd say by .5 - 1.5 stops and be prepared for some burning-in. Now, get a nice wave moving in the dev and enter the print as smoothly as possible, you might need a few tries and don't stop bath agitation. After a minute or so a very weak, faded image will appear and it will stay that way for a while and then, very suddenly the contrast will bite going from flat to super-contrast in seconds. You need to get it into the stop as effeciently as possible then give it a minute. Give it a solid 5 minutes in the fix constantly agitating too. Lastly, wash it for at least half an hour. Hey presto, prints to make your colleagues weep</p><div></div>
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