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  1. <p>Sorry, I should have specified that the Aputure adapter is not mine so the compatibility is no longer relevant. I'm just confused as to why the Sigma lens' aperature/autofocus no longer work properly... =(</p>
  2. <p>Hey everyone,<br> I have a Sigma 50mm 1.4 EF mount art lens that has worked fine for years but after attaching it to a Aputure DEC Lensregain adapter the Sigma no longer properly detects on any body. Specifically you can't control the aperture anymore. <br> Anyone experience this problem before or have advice as to what I should do? Will the Sigma lens dock help? Should I just send it in?<br> Thanks in advance!!</p>
  3. <p>Barry - No luck after putting the back/slide in. Thanks though</p>
  4. <p>Bob - I am able to remove the lens. The bottom curtain goes down but the top one is partially blocked.<br> Barry - It did happen after dry firing. I will try putting the slide back in.<br> Thanks everyone for your help!</p><div></div>
  5. <p>Sorry Douglas I meant to say U.S.A - Mass<br> Also, perhaps these photos will help.</p><div></div>
  6. <p>Douglas - I'm in Ma<br> Dave - Thanks for your response. I was hoping it was a simple fix. Darn</p>
  7. <p>Hi everyone,<br> I've been using a Hasselblad 500cm for a few weeks so I'm still new to Medium Format Film... well I'm new to film in general. Anyway, the camera is locked up and I've been searching for answers on the internet but haven't had any success. Please help!<br> <strong>Symptoms: </strong>The shutter button won't go down, the winding knob won't turn, the mirror is stuck halfway down (if that makes sense) so the top shutter leaf can only go down half way... although this doesn't matter because the shutter button doesn't work!<br> I tried the screw driver in the back with no success, the lens is not locked, the film magazine is not attached and if it helps, I'm using a 80mm f2.8 TF lens.<br> Your help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!</p>
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