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Image Comments posted by jillmyers


    I'm sorry...I know I've left practically this same comment on some of your other images. The expressions are great, but you need to seriously work on your focusing. The railing or whatever that is behind them appears to be sharp. I've never used the camera you're using, but if I'm using autofocus, I'll place the focusing square inside the viewfinder on a small detail (like their eyes) to grab the focus, and then recompose once I've got that locked.


    The selective coloring makes it appear as though the little girl is standing in front of a backdrop with a picture on it. This just doesn't work for me...maybe if she were looking at the camera it would be stronger?

    Social Climbers.

    Why do you need a prop? Just pose them standing or sitting together with their arms around each other's backs and stop stepping in the flower beds! On a positive note, their happy expressions look genuine.


    Compositionally, it's not very interesting...jsut very centered. This dramatic photoshop filter doesn't seem to have much of a point. I would go back to the original and go about the photoshopping with a bit more subtlety.


    I love this shot. I feel like the comments above are just not getting your style. This doesn't seem to be an attempt at a cheesy lovey-dovey shot with father (father, right?) and baby. It's funky and unexpected...great job.
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