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  1. <p>Wow, thanks again for all your great advice. I have learned so much already. Peter, It took me awhile but I finally found the warmer colors setting. You were right, it was turned on. I now have it turned off and will try using the auto white balance function again. I had stopped using it when my pictures turned out so badly. I do so wish the menus were easier to navigate!</p>
  2. <p>What a wonderful place this is! So much great advice. I hope you don't mind my questions. If I am becoming a pest, please let me know. I did use Olympus Viewer 2 to move my photos from the camera to the pc. I tried editing the photos and every time I made a change a message displayed that the change would "not" be applied when printing. So I made the assumption that the changes were only for digital viewing. What did I do wrong? Is there a way to use the viewer and have the changes applied when printing?<br> I did try Picasa today. I have both JPEG and RAW files for each of my photos. I worked with the JPEG and PICASA made another copy for me when I did a save as. I sure wish I knew how to read the histogram to know if I made a good correction. I guess I won't know until I try printing again. It seems very strange to me that when I view the photos on the LCD monitor or the TV they don't look that bad. But when I printed at the local CVS they were awful! Thanks again!</p>
  3. <p>Wow, thank you both for the helpful replies. After posting the message I was sure someone would ding me for calling the EM-5 an SLR. I do know it is a mirrorless camera. I should have said the EM-5 is the first non point and shoot camera I have used. I did take an intro to digital photography course at my local college - online course. They did not even mention the mirrorless cameras. I am currently reading David Busch's guide to the EM-5. Even his book is hard to follow in places. I am also reading the user manual and taking a DVD based course offered by The Great Courses people. You are right, this will take me a long time. Years ago I tried to teach myself how to use Photoshop. I didn't get far. Thank you so much for the Picasa recommendation. I am going to try that. My family is waiting for prints. Stupid me promised them before Christmas. After the holidays I plan to take more courses. I have been considering the New York Institute of Photography's course. Does anyone have an opinion or advice regarding their offerings? Thank you again for your help. Hopefully someday I will be able to post pictures here that you will like.</p>
  4. <p>I am a 65 year old retired lady hoping to enjoy a photography hobby. I purchased the EM-5 after much research but am now reconsidering. This is my first SLR and I am finding it very difficult to use. There are soooo many menus and uses for buttons and dials. As a beginner, did I purchase the wrong camera? Is there a camera that would have been more suited for me? I used this camera to take pictures at my sister's first grandchild's dedication. Everyone in the family is anxiously awaiting copies of these photos. Since I was not proficient with the camera I used the IAuto setting. The pictures were taken indoors under tungsten lighting without a flash. Everyone has yellow to orange skin tones. I now know that I should have set the white balance. Apparently IAuto did not select the right setting. Is there any way I can easily fix these photos? Lastly, some of the photos have windows in the background. The light from the window was too much back lighting. Is there any way for me to easily fix these also? I sincerely hope you don't mind helping a beginner and would appreciate any advice. Thank You</p>
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