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  1. <p>Hi, I'd like to get into MF photography and I'm new to the format so please let me know if I'm overlooking something or there's something I haven't thought of.<br> So one lens I definitely want to buy is the Mamiya 80mm f/1.9. Now I want the largest MF format possible for it without getting into strange aspect ratio territory. So I decided I that I want to be able to pair it with a 6x9 camera. I've only seen the 80mm f/1.9 paired with the 645, and I'd really like to have a 6x7 minimum - ideally 6x9. <br> Does the Mamiya Press with 6x9 back take the 80mm f/1.9? Which versions? I've seen several names on eBay. Any other 6x9 cameras take the Mamiya 80mm f/1.9?<br> Thanks!</p>
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