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Everything posted by hunter_kosic

  1. <p>I could not return the item as it was shipped to me while I was overseas.<br> It took more than seven days just to arrive.<br> Yes I have shot video and yes I have some experience getting great results with DSLR's<br> As a matter of fact I previously owned a D5000 and the quality I could get out of shooting manual with that was wonderful for me. <br> The reason I don't have a camcorder is because I like making not only videos but stop motion videos as well, and I can get much better results with that than a camcorder.<br> It had great detail and was sharp just like I was looking for, in video and in photos. It was even a refurb!<br> Also I have no option for setting a bitrate? I just set the movie mode to highest quality.<br> Thanks for the replies still on the fence if I should chuck it and move on.</p>
  2. <p>Thank you everyone for your kind replies to the thread.<br> I know it is grey market cause I called the people that sold it to me and they said it was. After I bought it...<br> The mossy rock - I set this on manual, and there was no water on the lens or camera or even fog.<br> Only thing that it could be is just me rocking back and forth slightly, but even where the focus point was, it seems terribly out of focus no matter how I shot it.<br> Perhaps it is just me, but for straight footage untouched from the camera I expected alot better from the D7000.<br> Am I being too picky, or does the D7000 really not give good video? I do not like photography as much as I like taking videos. So let me know what you guys think of that.<br> Thanks again for all of the answers.</p>
  3. <p>I need some advice - insight? To the problem I am having.<br /><br />Got swindled on a <a href="http://nikonites.com/products/dslr-3/d7000-99/" target="_blank">D7000</a> when the sellers "Peach_photo" on ebay sold me a camera and did not let me know that it was a grey market cam. Meaning there is no manufacturer warranty for me at all and no help in case there was a problem.<br /><br />Lesson learned.<br /><br />Now, the camera issue I am having is quite strange. Very noisy video and pictures, even when at ISO 100-640 1080p at 24 fps shooting in a nice shade from trees in a sunset setting with plenty of light.<br /><br />Does not matter what the setting was, if there was share at all, there is tons of noise in the image.<br /><br />Even in light the colors and fine details are lost to the noise and the seemingly slightly off focus.<br /><br />Looking for someone that could perhaps have an idea what I am dealing with here.<br /><br />Here is one sample that I uploaded to Youtube.<br /><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBdrQcAVvi4&feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><br /></a><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBdrQcAVvi4&feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBdr...ature=youtu.be</a><br /><br />Here is the second test, look at the growth on the rocks. Almost looks like they are blotched together you cannot see individual detail like it really was.<br /><br /><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13WOzHCqfV0&feature=youtu.be" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13WO...ature=youtu.be</a><br /><br />Keep in mind, these are completely unaltered straight from the camera.<br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />Read more: <a href="http://nikonites.com/d7000/26521-help-d7000.html#ixzz3HgiA1YTO">http://nikonites.com/d7000/26521-help-d7000.html#ixzz3HgiA1YTO</a></p>
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