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Image Comments posted by photonutz



    Pure 100% smoldering sexuality in this. Very well done and deserving of POW honors.


    The model's pose is so Femme Fatale from some great Film Noir.

  1. Excellent shot!


    I know from experience that an H_Alpha filter isn't the easiest thing in the world to use. Every time I mount one on my LX50, it's a real pain to get it to get the right look.

    The Fury

    I really wish it wasn't so flat and dark. There is a really tantalizing image there. Hopefully it can be corrected in subsequent printing.
  2. Crtiqueing a photo for being just "Unoriginal" is no real critique at all. It's just as bad as gushing needlessly.


    There is nothing wrong with strong critism, when it actually has something to say. Simply writing it off as "unoriginal" is total poppy-cock.


    May as well write off Ansel Adams, since other folks had already done landscapes, or Eddie Adams since others had already shot battlefields.


    I stand by the sour grapes statement.


    One thing that this particular photo brings to mind is the old Zen concept of the universe really being made of an infinite number of waterdrops haning from a web. We see them from afar, and thereby only see the universe in reflection.

  3. Yes it has been done before. So has writing like a group of sour grapers. Miles Davis once was quoted as saying "You spend a 100 years mastering your instrument, and by then your obsolete". In case your wondering what that means lemme clue you in - NOTHING IS ORIGINAL ANYMORE. Everything ever written, painted, photographed or film is simply an interpertation of what we have seen before. Every portrait we take has been done in counless other mediums ad naseum, does that make it bad? Really all you folks that cry out "Unoriginal, I've seen it before" just seem to me to be saying "Man I wish I made POW at photo.net, but since I didn't I'll just trash this photo for being unoriginal". Hell I've seen paintings from the 16th century done with this subject matter.


    Great shot BTW. As far as wondering why at F/22 there is no greater DOF, the lens was mounted in reverse. A great way to make a Macro shot without having to spend a fourtune on Macro Lenses.

  4. Critter,


    It was meant as one! BTW after rating this folder, I have to explain why it reminds me of John Waters.


    When I look at your work the immediate reaction I had was "Goth as a Vargas Girl". The 40's pinup quality with the modern Goth Aesthetic is just such a diacomatic image, it reminds me of John Waters. Both deadly serious and deadly absurd.


    Very few can pull it off well, you are one. Keep up the excellent work.



    I love this photo. Yes you can do this to a photo using a filter in photoshop or you can do the same using an enlarger and some lith film.


    I haven't seen it done the old way in quite some time, but this is great example of such a darkroom technique.

  5. Well, at least this week there should be no accusations of "Photoshopped". But as far as this choice of an image as POW, I really think it misses the mark.


    Granted the access to shot one of the greatest Soccer players of all time, and perhaps the most famous Brazilian alive (Reubans Barichello still isn't at Pele's level yet, and Aryton Senna is dead).


    The DOF is a bit shallow, and the composition could be better. Personally I think that Paulos "Faith" (http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=627633) would have been a far better choice.

    Philly zoomed.


    I like this shot a lot! I remember seeing an example of this technique in a PZ1P catalog. Just out of curiosity, where did you take this photo from?


    I've been looking for a good spot to take a good shot of Philly myself. The PECO Bldg on 23rd and Market?

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