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Posts posted by j_buck

  1. hello, recently i shoot in super bright sun (on foma400 ) and i noticed some bad light leaks.

    on the weekend i have an important shoot but dont know which holders it were.

    Plus its pretty gloomly lately so i cant leave the holders in the sun and see light leaks on the film,


    would i get same resolut flashing the film holders with 500ws strobes?

    could i identify the bad apples like this?


    thanks alot!

  2. <p>thanks!<br>

    what confused me today was that the agitation method worked perfect on an expert drum i had.<br>

    <br />but rotating the jobodrum in bathtube of temperated water makes sens!<br>

    but should i rotate all of the time or in the same manner as i was agitating<br>


    by pouring water the jobo tank to fill the sheets it takes 1,3 L<br>

    which is too much chemicals for only 6 sheets i think and i also think that 1,3L of developer is too much for the film.</p>

  3. <p>i got a Jobo drum 2521 and today i made my first development in this drum.<br>

    i was agitating with hands and i put 300mm developer but at the end 1/4 of the sheet was very poorly developed, like there was not enough chemistry in the tank..<br>

    is there any advice about hand agitating and how much developer should there be inside of the drum?<br>

    or is this drumm made only for machine rotation? bc. it says that min is 270mm</p>

    <p>any ideas?<br>


    <p>thanks alot!</p>

  4. 2.7 -3.5.., I'm afraid to go higher to screw up the actual dof, when i want the swirlynes of 2.7

    so I cleaned the glass, looks gery good, but outside its still very hard to get the focus right when the subject is far away.


    normally i focus on eyelashes, so i have the contrast, but mybe asking the model to put something contrasty on her face

    would help? but whaat?

  5. this will be mby a silly question, so im sorry for it. but:

    lately ive been shooting alot of LF, and i just got a 165mm f2.7 lens.

    and I'm have big problems focusing if the subject is far.


    the speed graphic viewfinder is too grainy if magnified alot.


    would better groundglass help?

    or a better loup? or some special tehnick?


    ps. for loup i use my pentax 67 magnifier viewfinder and cheep loup from a shop.

  6. <p>hello!<br>

    i have a question about Thorium in Pentax 67 system<br>

    i know that Thorium is in the old 105mm f2.4 lenses, but somewhere i was reading that it also might be in the gals of the eyepiece magnifier, the prism viewfinder and the other view magnifiers ...<br>

    anyone has any info on this?</p>



    i have an Epson v700 in top condition since 4 years and the pattern you can see you the pics was there since i got it from the shop. i didnt mind back than because it didn't have an effect on the scans, but as i was reading i read it might be fungus some days ago..<br>

    or is it just Scaneritits? :)<br>

    <br />its only on the plastic that drives up and down, the glass is perfect, so im wondering.. is this fungus?<br>

    is it bad? and is it possible that i will spread on my other camera lenses?</p>

    *i attached a pic<br /><br />

    <p>thanks alot!<img src="https://img2.brain4.photobox.com/35930897e09f69be5f0d8b9015bfe4253e90d9472d5e5a6f32e523cd16e7b9abf426901b.jpg" alt="" /></p>

  8. <p>hello!<br>

    i got an offer for 2x Bownes espirit 500<br />in apparently good condition, with 2 stands for about 400$</p>

    <p>it doesn't say much on the condition, but it should be good and working...<br>

    since this models are pretty old (how old is the espirit model actually?) is it worth buying old studio flashes?<br>

    the bulbs should be good the seller says...<br>

    lately i was ripped off few times buying 2nd hand gear (i dont have the $ to buy new)<br>

    so is there many things that i should be careful with when buying old flash?</p>


  9. afaik coverage is not an issue, i read it easily covers 6x7, i was referring more to if some of the models of the lens are a no

    go, bc it was a bad batch, or bad glass used. thanks :-)



  10. <p>i brought my Pentax 67 to a camera tech to change my focusing screen...<br>

    and now... mby its just a coincidence... what i focus through the view finder is out of focus on the negatives..<br>

    mby it was bad and quick focusing from my side, but i never had this before...<br>

    can it be that the tech. calibrated something wrong and if so...<br>

    would it be possible that the picture is sharp through the viewfinder but not on the negative?</p>


  11. mostly im excited about the head and the softbox, and to be able to have 5500k continues light inside a softbox.

    i have stands at home, and i could eventually buy better light bulbs later


    or could this be another 100$ spent i could have invested in something else.

    (im based in germany)


    as far as i aslo checked, it could be a hassle to return this and get the money back

  12. A shop on ebay is offering this insanely cheap system with lights, softboxes, bulbs, stands...

    its a no name brand.. so I'm wondering if anyone has experience with such no name system.


    i work mostly with film and polaroids and my old cameras dont have sync, so this continuous light system 5500k might be great..

    i love the use of softboxes..


    but then again, is so cheap that im having mix feelings.










  13. <p>hello!<br>

    i have a epson v 700 scanner and i wanted to ask what is the best way to clean the glass<br>

    until now i did it microfiber cloth and cotton glows and dust blowers, but can i also use a glass cleaner for windows?<br>

    just to clean the glass surface?</p>

    <p>thanks alot!</p>

    <p>(ps. also i notices that the glass somehow became foggy but from the inner side and u can only see it in darkness - when only the inside scanner lights are lighten and only if you look from a special angle)</p>

  14. hello, if i would buy the lens in the link bellow could i take it out of this sinar thingy and mount it into a copal 1 shutter that i have inside a

    linhof lensboard?




    i actually have the same lens at home but the glass of the back part is scratched nasty and i really like this lens.



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