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  1. How do you show them sample layouts without going to the site where you actually purchase from? I did show them a book I had made but it was a differently out. I choose the one I used because of the different sizes of photos and how it made them flow. I'd also like to figure out how to better tell clients about number of photos vs pages and sizes of the photos... I've never really had an issue as clients generally like what I do.. But once in a while this happens......
  2. <p>What is the best way to explain to a client about the size of each photo and the number of photos that cam fit in a book? I just designed a 10x10 50 page book and did photos of different sizes and some overlap or are a background with other photos on top. Took a lot of hours and now Im going to have to redo because they want a strait book like old school putting photos on sticky pages and they dont understand WHY I made them pick out the # of photos I did and why they all wont fit (which I explained to them many times about how the size of the photos determine how many will fit in the album. How can I describe then and how do I explain to a client about how their album should not just be a bunch of photos but more some collage pages etc to make the book really nice. I want to also put something on my site to let them know as well...</p> <p> </p>
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