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  1. <p>Hi! I am currently using a Contax G2, and was in love with it, but recently had a roll developed that I am very disappointed with. I have been using the AUTO settings and a TLA 200 flash. When using the flash, I notice some darkness - vignetting (?) - around the corners of my photos that I am hoping to eliminate. The pictures are also looking quite overexposed. I am now planning on manually choosing exposures for the photos because I am wondering if there is an issue with the camera's AUTO settings, and the way that it is detecting light. Will choosing the shutter speed and the appropriate aperture help with this or might I be looking at a different issue here? <br> I am just concerned as I have not had this issue when shooting with the camera before. Almost wish I could "reset" everything and start from scratch as I am not quite sure what the problem is :D<br> Has anyone else had issues with shooting in auto exposure on the G2? I am sure this is user error, but any suggestions or thoughts are appreciated. </p>
  2. <p>Thanks for all of the suggestions guys! I think I was just trying to get too close to subjects and the camera was refusing to focus. I've figured it out but have to say - I'm not crazy impressed by the camera. I bought one because I had seen some great pictures and read rave reviews, but it's just not living up to my hopes... I was expecting killer sharpness, but have been shooting with a Contax G2 a lot recently and I feel like nothing can live up!</p> <p> </p>
  3. <p>I have heard for a while that the stylus epic is a great p&s, and wanted to see what the hype is all about. This is my first real experience with a point and shoot but I am having some issues with the MJU ii as the photos I develop are (more often than not), very blurry. I am wondering if being used to shooting on an SLR and having more manual features, I am trying to shoot subjects too close, particularly in low light.<br> Has anyone else had any problems with focus and this camera? I want to love it so much, but I honestly would prefer using a disposable at this point :0 I just feel like the camera doesn't want to focus for me, and a hectic party setting is probably the wrong place to try to feel it out.<br> It's all new to me though, so will chalk it up to user error and play with it some more!<br> M</p>
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