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  1. <p>Im not rehashing anything. I have always been polite and curtious in all communications. I have already paid in full. I made it clear when he came round that all I wanted was my design as I had it in front of me comparing it to his so that we could get the corrections right. </p> <p>I may try and ask him for the two pages that are wrong and see if I can do them myself.</p> <p>Thank you to all for all your help.</p>
  2. <p>The page sizes were correct, I was explained that there would be some slight changes due to trim and faces being over the fold line and I approved these. The problems I have had are him changing things that were previously ok and either not understanding or just constantly not correcting things right. Last time we spoke was face to face as I thought some of the problem may have been communication even though I was as clear as possible. This did indeed fix most of the previous problems and now there's only two small problems which are both fade to blacks/gradients which I had previously ask to change but yet were still way too harsh (I didn't really notice any improvement). If money wasn't a problem I may consider passing him, but again without being rude I see it as his incompetence as to why he didn't fix it after one or two very detailed emails. As it is, I can't afford it as we are currently on jobseekers due to my husband losing his job. Before anyone asks these fades are important ad they just look weird in the overall composition (there's quite a few gradients that are perfectly fine)</p>
  3. <p>I honestly thought that after two emails or would be sorted, but we are verging our 1st anniversary without an album. </p>
  4. <p>I honestly thought that after two emails or would be sorted, but we are verging our 1st anniversary without an album. </p>
  5. <p>Hi, I'm in the UK. And in response to the hours taken... He has taken a decent amount of hours to change it though it shouldn't have taken anywhere near that long as all he had to do was copy my design. This is the problem, many changes have had to be made but due to him not being able to copy my design, not me changing my mind and this is the problem. I really do appreciate the time he has spent trying to sort it, but am getting annoyed at the same time because it isn't that difficult.</p>
  6. <p>I'm not a photographer but I was wondering what you guys all thought of my situation. <br> Booked my wedding photographer last year as my previous photographer cancelled on me. He took all the photos which I was happy with and then he sent me a proposed album configuration. This album design was COMPLETELY wrong to me so I decided the easiest way would be to design it myself so all he had to do was copy my design.<br> Anyway I did this and I was expecting maybe one or two emails following to correct little bits and pieces but this is not the case. There has been so many emails where I have corrected him and been quite specific as to avoid confusion and I always expect after each and every one for the problem to be solved and its not. I know this is probably as annoying for him too but all he needed to do was copy my version as I am perfectly happy with it (with the addition of some light photoshopping). Anyway it has now gotten to the case where he has said if any more changes are made then there will be a charge and the album still isn't right (though there's only 2 problems on it now which has vastly improved, even though these are things I have already requested he fix).<br> I am curious as to where you think we both stand legally. I havent received a contract as I have read in other posts but received an invoice.</p>
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