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Everything posted by Kamala

  1. Kamala

    Fall in Keene Valley.

    Copyright: © Chakravarthy;
  2. Bonnie, This is an awesome shot! kamala
  3. Thank you, Bonnie, I went to your profile. You have great pcitures. Yes, it is the same barn. I don't have a good shot at the angle you have captured. I could not get that right. Yours is very nice. Kamala
  4. Bela, Thank you for your comments... Kamala
  5. Bonnie, Yes, this is the same barn, same tree, similar weather! That spot is so amazing for fall photography. This is a great shot. I have one with a similar angle, but this is nicer! Kamala
  6. Kamala

    Gravity at work... in colour

    Larry, Thank you for your very nice comments. Yes, you are correct. I noticed the white line little late after submitting. I corrected it in the next one I sumbitted. I kind of agree with you, I might be pushing the limits. To me evening light, overcast sky is a bit of a challenge to get it correct. Kamala
  7. Kamala

    Seen better days

    Guess it was waiting for you to take the picture! Beautiful image. Very nice composition and POV.
  8. Beautiful image. Very nice composition! Reflections are nicely captured. Colours are bright but subtle! Kamala
  9. Kamala


    Copyright: © Chakravarthy;
  10. Kamala


    Pierre, Koushik, Thank you very much for your comments. kamala
  11. Ken, Arshad, Thank you for your comments. kamala
  12. Kamala

    autumn leaves

    Splendid picture. Congratz! kamala
  13. Kamala

    Gravity at work... in colour

    George, Pierre, Thank you for your comments. George, i have corrected the halo, yes the picture looks better. thanks kamala
  14. Kamala


    Copyright: © Chakravarthy;
  15. This one seems like a touch and go for the halo-line... My other edits seem to have some amount of halo!!
  16. Version II. Removed the halo--line between sky and trees.
  17. Kamala


    Thank you, Maurizio.
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