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  1. <p>Thank you all for replying me. really appreciated.<br> I understand Jpeg files can be good. but in my case with the J2, i'm not quite satisfied with its image quality especially when compared to the raw NEF file viewed in windows photo viewer. <br> here's a comparison between jpeg which was converted by PS6 with quality 12 and NEF which was opened in wpv with NEF codec. and both images were capture with Print Screen key and in its 100% crop.<br> <img src="http://oi58.tinypic.com/2vbr3fa.jpg" alt="" width="1599" height="1314" /><br> the above picture has already been compressed by the file host.<br> here you can download the original png file 8.3Mb at http://www.filedropper.com/11111</p> <p>I think the differences are obvious. my ultimate question is that why PS or NX2 can't convert the raw file to a lossless format like png directly when it has already been displayed on the screen with NEF codec? its capable of doing so but why it's not working like that?</p> <p>thank you again.</p>
  2. <p>I have a Nikon J2 which doesn't produce a very good image quality when using jpg format.<br> so, I installed the NEF codec and found that the raw images are much sharper and the colors are much better than jpeg format when viewed in Windows photo viewer with the codec.<br> So, I saved the preview image by pressing the Print Screen key on the keyboard as a png file, and that looked much better than jpeg too.<br> if the NEF preview is shown on the screen, that means the data has already been stored in the video memory right? but why NX2 or Photoshop can't save the raw image directly to a bitmap file? or is there a way to do so?<br> jpg sucks badly with 1 inch sensor.</p>
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