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Everything posted by sarah_herbach

  1. <p>*ARTISTIC. <br> ha. Arthritic? Strange auto-correct!</p>
  2. <p>Each of my portrait sessions includes a few B&W images. Maybe 10% of their final images are in BW, and I pretty much always include a very similar pose in color.<br> This month, it seems like every one of my clients are asking for color copies of those images as well. Now, I know it isn't the end of the world, but it does create quite a bit of extra work. I shoot in RAW and de-saturate, play around with my settings until it's perfect, and then edit. So, giving a 'color copy' means starting the exiting process back in camera raw, and basically starting again from scratch.<br> I'm just curious as to how other's handle it? What is your view on this?<br /><br />When we hire for our family photos, I would never in 100 years ask for them to covert them. I trust them to use their own arthritic abilities & style. <br /><br />What are your views?</p>
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