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Posts posted by jennifer_dinkel

  1. <p>First of all, thanks for all the writeup. I've been looking in to getting a scanner that allows me to scan film, negatives, and slides in addition to prints. I have tons of film (mostly 35mm) from when I lived in China, and LOTS of varying Kodachrome film from my parents that I'm looking in to getting developed for a Christmas present.I didn't realize that depending on the service I may (or may not!) get my film back, if it'll even process - and the price varies greatly.<br>

    I've been wary of finding a send-out service from a larger retailer as I also work for CVS/Pharmacy. We utilize the FujiFilm sendout service and you're right - if you lose that envelope number that gets tied to your film, you are SoL - the name and info on the bag is for the retailer to contact you, not Fuji. At CVS, we don't even get the film back - everything gets digitized and we are sent the exposures, a reason/problem list if there were missing exposures/problems with the film, and a PICTURE of the outside of the send-out bag (with all kinds of handwriting on it, some people don't just put their name/number/address/comments - they will write a novel sometimes). We have to transcribe what is usually chicken scratch for handwriting to put it into our OWN system so you can receive an automated call that your photos are ready. Half the time we'll omit that info if we can't even read a hint of it. The send-out service we offer has seemed to me shady at best, so I've been apprehensive at trying WalMart. I may send a test roll and see what happens.<br /><br />Now I do feel the pain of dealing with FujiFilm customer service. However, I find the envelope number thing a load of bull. I had an order for a Mrs. Geno (name abbreviated). She dropped off rolls of film in June, and it was the end of July. She had only sent out regular 35mm. She didn't have her envelope number, but she was up our hind ends about the film. I was put on hold for over 35 minutes! They found her order by her name and phone number, and the envelope numbers in queue before and after hers were finished, but hers was not (for some godawful reason...) but they were able to give me a definitive answer to yay/nay that her film was even there to begin with.<br /><br />I just hope that they will give me my 35mm back, I'd rather scan it myself to make prints/enlargements but no longer have access to a darkroom.</p>

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