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  1. <p>Thanks again Ray, that's cleared things a lot (I was told I'd need the plate by an ebayer selling an H20--no wonder I've been unable to find one)<br> It would seem, for my purpose, an H20 otl. would be the one, I'll most likely be using at home and, as I said, tethering is not a problem. <br> I feel I'm getting there now, it's a simpler job looking for V mount backs, will keep the Forum posted of my progress. </p>
  2. <p>Very many thanks to these most helpful postings. I am a newbie here and am still reeling from all the contents.<br> Am looking at an H20 on ebay but am informed that I would need a plate for it to fit either my 500el or the 503cx.<br> As stated before I am just an enthusiastic amateur, prepared to spend a modest amount to explore this avenue for <br> my Hassys and am looking really for a clear way to do this, would like to use the 500el for the motor drive facility if possible. There seem to so many different variations I could follow.<br> The CFV 16 looks ideal for my purpose (does this work "out of the box" with my gear or would I need a back etc. I don't mind tethered working at all) or would the H20 be the way. Which is likely to hit my pocket more, the H20 or the CFV16.<br> ps have to stop now as I feel a head-ache coming on !!</p> <p> </p>
  3. <p>I have the two Hassys above which I'm very attached to for tripod work etc.<br> Would like to try digital and am almost convinced I need a Pentax 645D.<br> Am I making a mistake to consider the 645 and would I be better off getting some digi-gear for either Hass.<br> I like using the 500EL with the motor drive but can't seem to find a clear answer to it's suitability for a digi-back.<br> Compared to the price I need to pay for a 645 is it worth going for a Hassy set-up, I really don't mind being tethered as I have a 9"<br> lap-top that runs XP for the job I hope.<br> Sorry for all the ramblings but would appreciate any advice on what to buy, and (hopefully) where to buy it.<br> I am an enthusiastic amateur !</p>
  4. <p>Would like to try some digital with my 500EL, is the above back compatible, does it just click on and go (without any thing more than a tethered lap-top) Is the quality up to 35mm digital. <br> many thanks</p>
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