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  1. This was taken using Lensbaby Composer Pro with Double Glass optic and the 0.42x super wide angle attachment mounted on Nikon D7100. Editing was done in PS CC, Topaz Details and NIK Color Efex Pro. The image was cropped to observe the rule of thirds. I will appreciate your comments and suggestions for improvements.
  2. <p>Hi everyone and it is very nice to be part of this community. First let me introduce myself. I'm Omer, Sudanese, living and working in the beautiful Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. I'm a civil engineer by profession.<br> I'm just starting in digital photography and whenever I have the time I grab my camera and start shooting. I got my first DSLR (Nikon D5200) in 2013 and recently upgraded to D7100, which I'm really amazed by. <br> I'm sure I've come to the right place to make friends, learn, be inspired and hopefully inspire those who share the same passion.<br> <br> Regard, <br> Omer</p>
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