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  1. <p>An old thread, but I feel compelled to add some information. It is true that old pre-AI lenses will mount to cameras such as a d3200, if you mount the lens to the locked position you will lose the ability to completely close down the aperture. The trick to maintaining full use of aperture range follows. 1) Set lens to smallest aperture (highest F stop number). B) Start to mount lens on camera while watching the blades of the aperture through the front of the lens. 3) As you near the lock position, you will reach a point where the blades will start opening on their own - back off a little from where they start to move and you will maintain full aperture range of the lens. While not locked in position, I find the connection to be solid enough for me. (I did not stumble upon this myself, but credit a youtube video by "FromTheRawVideo".<br> Gar</p>
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