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  1. <p>I recently bought a used Nikon FA and noticed that when I set it to M (Manual Mode), in the LCD section of the viewfinder it displays a varying shutter speed as if it were in A (Aperture) mode, changing up or down as I point it at different subjects to compensate for the exposure. From what I have read the LCD should show what the shutter dial is set to with a preceding M and a + or - indicating a possible under or over exposure. <br> I know the shutter dial works because in S (shutter) mode when i move the shutter dial, the aperture number changes accordingly.<br> Basically, my camera acts the same in Manuel mode as it does in Aperture mode, showing the automatically selected shutter speed in the LCD, making it unable to manually control shutter speed in M (manual) mode.<br> Any help is greatly appreciated. <br> Thank You,<br> Jared</p>
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