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  1. I'm not saying it's none of their business if they receive credit or not. I understand the credit 100% and am completely willing to give them credit. The issue of whether it is their business to know I am charging brides to feature weddings is completely separate. It is not only the images that make the feature. I think I've come to the wrong place to get an answer for this as clearly egos are getting in the way.
  2. Another detail I should mention is that I have been doing this for free for quite a few months now. Brides have loved them. No hesitation from photographers either. I recently started full time work and no longer have as much time on my hands which is why i want to filter brides out by ones who would be willing to pay. I don't see why it would be the photographers business if they receive credit. It is time and effort for the copy I write too.
  3. <p>Whoa, easy on the defensive front here guys. <br /><br />I understand that you're photographers and take great pride in your work but my intention is not to "deceive" you. It is simply a question of whether it is any of the photographers business or not. <br /><br />I've taken the first ethical step of ASKING your permission first which is more than what I can say most of the blogging community would do. It's not like there isn't anything in it for you. When the bride shares the feature on social media, they can get HUNDREDS of hits from their family and friends ((future brides to be!) who would click on it. <br /><br />The link back to your website and photo credit given to you could potentially bring you in more clients. Think about it. When brides just share their wedding photos on Facebook, in an album, they rarely EVER give credit to the photographer. When they share a feature, however, people will explicitly SEE the link to your website and your credit. <br /><br />As a professional copywriter myself, it would actually take TIME and EFFORT on my behalf also to craft these feature weddings. Your images alone do not create the feature. I would need to send the bride a questionnaire to fill out. Based on their responses, and photo inspiration, the feature is created. <br /><br />Like I said, it is a very small fee I would be charging the bride. Unlike the THOUSANDS wedding photographers charge. The benefit to the bride is to show off their wedding on social media. It gives family and friends a way to relive their wedding in detail years from today and also non-attendees a sneak peak inside their day. <br /><br />And just FYI, plenty of brides submit to publications to get featured. The difference is these publications are EXCLUSIVE and online feature striking, professional photographer and unique weddings. Mine is simply not as "exclusive" but caters to their egos. </p>
  4. <p>Hello, <br /><br />I recently started a wedding blog and would like to know if it would be possible for me to make money featuring weddings by charging a small fee to the bride. <br /><br />If I personally reach out to the photographer and ask their permission to use their work on my site, and they agree, is it OK? OR do I need to specifically let them know that I am making money from it? <br /><br />The small fee to the bride would be for me to actually write the "story" about her special day (drawing inspiration from the photos, and questionnaire they complete) and provide a platform for them to share their feature wedding on social media. <br /><br />So basically my question is: If I ask permission from the photographer to use their work, but DO NOT state that I am making money from it, is it acceptable? <br /><br />Thank you, <br />J</p>
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