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Everything posted by christian_merheb

  1. <p>Hello,<br> I did some searching through the forum and didn't see any particular threads pertaining to my goal. I do apologize if this post is miss categorized as I am new on the Forum.<br> I have an old Kiev 4a (with a broken shutter) and I wanted to potentially remove the mount and adapt it to a leica-M mount so that I would use old Contax mount lenses. I have always wanted to try old Contax lenses on my Leica M3, but all the adapters I found costed over a couple hundred dollars which is too much on my student budget. <br> Does anybody have any recommendations for me? or could somebody direct me to a source where I could find some information about this? <br> As far as I know, this adaptation of the Kiev mount is possible, but if anybody has information contrary to this I would appreciate it. <br> Thank You</p>
  2. <p>Hello Everyone,<br> I am a new member at this forum. Very recently I purchased a Leica M3 with a 2/50 Summitar (LTM) and I am loving it. I've been looking around for some more information about using a flash on this camera for those important instances that would need one. From other posts It seems to be a touchy subject, but I feel like this is something that I need. <br> So I went ahead and bought the flash PC adapter for the M3 and I bought a PC-to-hotshoe attachment. I have a couple flashes, including a small canon flash (from my AE-1 program) and I have a larger vivitar 283. To be honest, I have never used a flash and would appreciate some help. I know that the shutter speed has to be set to 1/50 (the little lighting mark) but how do I know what to set for the aperture? How does the ISO factor in?<br> Any help would be appreciated. Like I said, I am new, so I am unsure if this is in the right category. Thanks</p> <p> </p>
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