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Everything posted by michael_anderson6

  1. <p>Hey everyone.<br> I’m looking to buy my first real camera (upgrading from a point and shoot). After doing quite a bit of research and holding cameras in my hand, I have ruled out dslr due to the weight and narrowed it down to the Olympus E-M10 and the Sony A6000. The main things I will be shooting are rock climbing, outdoor scenery, night time star shots, and family gatherings. My plan is to get the kit lens and a medium telephoto lens (something like a 40-150mm lens) straight away.<br> What do you think is the better camera? I know the a6000 has better specs in most categories, but the major down sides are no IBIS and lens. The E-M10 has 3 axis IBIS, so I am wondering how that compares to the stabilization built into the Sony lens. Also there seems to be a fair amount of thoughts that the Olympus lens are of higher quality than the Sony. I am only planning on getting those two lens specified so I am not speaking about the availability of high end lens.<br> Overall I know I can’t go wrong with either camera, I just wanted to get some more opinions.<br> Thanks!</p>
  2. <p>Thanks everyone for the quick response! There is a lot of great information here. I am still leaning towards the D5200/ 18-140mm as a decent place to start, but until today I have not considered the a mirrorless camera. I want to do some research on the micro 4/3 since a lot of people have recommended it before I jump to any conclusions.</p>
  3. <p>Hey all. I have been climbing for a little under year and loving it. I have been documenting all of my climbing trips with a pretty old point and shoot camera that leaves a lot to be desired. I am looking at getting into photography and buying a dslr camera, the issue is I only have about $1000 to work with.</p> <p>I have done some research on the camera, and the nikon d3300/d5200 seems like solid cameras for getting into photography (though I am open to recommendations). The issue I am having is finding a lens that will work for me. From what I have read most people seem to recommend a 80-200mm lens as the general do it all lens, but these lens are way out of my price range. Another consideration is that I plan to bring this camera backpacking (providing that I find a solid weather proof case) so weight and size is another large consideration with the lens.</p> <p>Is there a camera set up body+lens that will be suitable to capture quality climbing pictures for under $1000? Nikon d5200 has an option to get a 18-140mm VR lens for around $900... is that a good option? I will also be photographing scenery on backpacking trips, family events, etc so I would also like to a lens that could handle these as well. Any insight and recommendations are greatly appreciated!</p>
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