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Posts posted by quidrilas_kelly

  1. <p>Hi, I was wondering do I have all the equipment needed to have a basic off camera flash set up? I'm on a budget and what to get the costs down packed so I'm prepared. It is $300 max<br>

    As of right now, I have in mind<br />60" white shoot through Umbrella.<br />40" silver or white reflector <br />Cable shutter release <br />Pc sync cord<br />two light stands<br />6ft tripod<br>

    As for the umbrella, what items do I need to mount the umbrella to the light stand, and then mount the flash behind the umbrella.</p>

    <p>I'm guessing a boom shaft, and umbrella mount is all I need correct?<br>

    If I'm missing anything, let me know!</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Took all 3 of your responses into consideration. Here are some shot's I did a while back in October. First two are tripod last is handheld. I forgot my extension tube for that shoot.<img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7718/17295937005_9a4750c39c_c.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="634" /><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8801/17269980356_87b5a335a5_c.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="603" /><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7715/17109726209_c5bd5863d3_c.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="629" /></p>

    <p>The roses where pretty big, so they just might be a bit too much. I'm going to rose garden soon, maybe tomorrow. </p>


  3. <p>It's a bit tricky because it's a Bronica ETRS medium format 645 camera with a 150mm lens. So it's 35mm format equailant is 90mm.<br>

    The maximum aperture size of lens is F3.5 min is F22 and the lens will a be equiped with a 42mm extension tube.<br>

    Since extension tubes decrease depth of field by a large margin, What aperture should I shoot at to have all of most of the flower in focus?<br>

    However the effects of an extension tube is also decreased as focal length increase.<br>

    This is why i'm confused at to what aperture I should shoot at? Any ideas?</p>

  4. <p>Cost of Film, 5 pack Kodak Ektar 100 28 +</p>

    <h4>Shipping via priority mail to and from $12 +</h4>

    <p>Cost of processing 34.5 + $10 = $84.5 in total costs.<br>

    I also scan my own photos.</p>

    <p>Which means, with my Bronica ETRS, costs $1.12 per shot/per exposure.</p>

    <p>I did the same with my 35mm camera, and it cost ¢44 per exposure/shot in total costs. (Same film and roll amount, shipping, and developing company)<br>

    However total cost for 35mm is slightly more expensive at $87</p>

    <p>My cost could be lower if I went with snail mail, bought , and shipped the film in bulk. Then lastly change my developing company to another with lower prices.</p>

    <p>So far 35mm and 120 format seems doable, not as bad as I thought it was.</p>

    <p>How do you your cost compare?</p>

    <p> </p>

  5. <p>I lied down 4 exposures of 120 film, only to have 5 images show up on the preview.<br>

    This resulted in all of the images being cut off, and some blended together. I decided to try out VueScan and they came out perfectly</p>

    <p>Am I doing something wrong or is it software related?</p>

    <p>I REALLY don't want to pay money for 3rd party scanning software.</p>

    <p>OEM Epson 4490 scanner driver was being used, Windows 32bit was the operating system, that's what it detected when I downloaded it.</p>

  6. <p>I have a Bronica ETRS with a non metered AE-1 prism. To my knowledge, after market magnification accessories do not exist for this prism finder.<br>

    Knowing that proper focusing points be literally 2mm or even fractions of a mm, I want all the help I can get. I don't want to waiste expensive slide film, I want to keep waste at a minimal.<br>

    Do you guys know of some clever, improvised method for greater viewfinder magnification? I thought about using a magnifing glass, but it I'm not sure how it will turn out.<br>

    Would like to hear your ideas.</p>

  7. <p>I really would like to go with NCPS, but their prices have increased, and my hours at work have decreased.<br>

    So far I have found that Dwayne's is much cheaper $4.00 per roll vs $6.90 per roll at North Coast.<br>

    I'm developing 10 rolls of old, forgotten film from point n shoot cameras, the oldest, dating back to 2002.</p>

    <p>What are you guy's experiences with Dwayne's? I have never tried them before.</p>

    <p>Also other photo lab recommendations will be considered as well.</p>

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