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Everything posted by john_rees1

  1. <p>Thank you everyone for your input. It gives me plenty of good advice to think about. Your questions about how much video to shoot made me realise I had been a little vague. So to be specific, I will be shooting 2 or 3 short videos (of 2 mins edited duration) in a home based studio environment on a tripod 100% of the time. I guess I had discounted a dedicated video camera as my heart is in stills and I am looking for an excuse to take the DSLR plunge.<br> Wouter, I really appreciate the specific advice. I had not thought of the 70D and it looks like it may be a good fit for my daughter.<br> It looks like the option I will be going with will be a Canon 70D in the next few weeks. Followed by a 5D III in a couple of months. However, I will take my daughter around the shops to let her hold them first.<br> John</p>
  2. <p>I am a long time film user and my current setup is Nikon FM3a. Almost everything I do at the moment is manual. Manual Camera, B&W film, self developing etc. I do very little on digital. Of course I have a phone and a small compact (Nikon coolpix). I don't want you to get the impression that I am opposed to digital, far from it. I run my own computer business and also loads of experience with the digital world.<br> So what I have been doing is my hobby, but I need to do something for my business. <br> Anyhow, I need to get a DSLR. No, let me rephrase that - I NEED TO GET A DSLR. For my business I need to do some video, rather a lot of video, and I want to take the DSLR plunge. <br> I am finding some of the options rather bewildering. I am a long term Nikon user and am a bit reluctant to start again with another make. However, if I have to then so be it.<br> My daughter is showing an interest in photography. She is young, but I'd like to factor in her needs over the next few years. <br> So let me outline my thoughts.<br> My primary motivating need is to produce video through DSLR and I have recently seen the results of a Canon 5d 111 setup and it does exactly what I need for video (and stills for that matter). However, it is probably to big and heavy for my daughter to want to use.<br> It has crossed my mind that a Canon 6d would work for her and am wondering about the possibility of getting a 6D now and a 5D soon after. One question I have is how interchangeable would the lenses be and is there an alternative scenario? <br> Let me try to prioritise my needs in a list</p> <ol> <li>I need to create a lot of video</li> <li>I want two cameras with interchangeable lenses etc for me and my daughter</li> <li>One camera would need to be relatively light</li> <li>I am a long term Nikon user but could change </li> </ol> <p>Does anyone have any suggestions?</p> <p>Bear with me but I find the idea </p>
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