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Everything posted by emily_jane_cartwright

  1. <p>Thanks everyone. <br> I think you are right Craig Shearman that is probably best to avoid working from the official photographs. Although I try to avoid making direct copies of photos because I don't enjoy working that way, sometimes that is what people want because they want a drawing rather than a photograph. But I definitely would not want to be seen as cheating a photographer out of a sale of a print, and because of this I have so far avoided using photos taken professionally. <br> However it is useful to find out what the copyright law is because I would like to have the option of approaching a photographer to use their image as reference, if the situation arose. And obviously I would want to make sure I paid the correct price for use of the image.<br> I did a degree in Illustration and we did cover copyright a little bit (not enough) - I came away feeling very confused and have never really got my head around it! It seems to me that the personable approach would be the best option - if the situation arose where I wanted to use an official photo, contacting the photographer in the first instance and having a conversation. </p>
  2. <p>Hello all,<br> I am a freelance portrait artist with a question regarding the use of official wedding photographs. I have done a couple of wedding portraits in the past using my own photo or a shot taken by a random family member, however I would like to do more of this type of work. As the best photos from a wedding are usually from the professional photographer these would be ideal to use as reference for drawings, however I realise that I can't just use a picture without at least seeking some form of approval from the owner. But this is where I am a bit stuck - I don't know what the law is here with regards to copyright, are the couple who buy the photos able to do with them what they like, including give them to an artist to have a piece of artwork made, or does that right remain with the photographer? <br> Basically I wanted to find out the correct way of using your photographs, as if I purchase a copy of the photo this will effect the price I charge my clients. Then again I know some people who simply want you to ask permission out of courtesy so...<br> Any thoughts gratefully received! Thanks.</p> <p>MODERATOR NOTE: Poster is located in United Kingdom </p>
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