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Image Comments posted by journeyer50



    Reminds me of our own balcony although the view here is a lot nicer , always pleasurable  to have a meal with wine out on the open deck  although the occupants of this house seem to have likely and for good reason remained indoors , setting up the table under such threatening skies is utterly risky i reckon , thank you Holger for sharing and have a great weekend ! 

  1. Ruins/sites that are grand as with regards to size,age and history are bound to entertain us for a long while , Angkor Wat falls in that category ...we took the 3-day ticket... even made it to other sites well away from Angkor proper on bikes,good fun with a sketchy map but we managed to get there somehow . The floating villages nearby are a must-see too Jim indeed and if you went on the Tonle Sap ferry from Phnom Penh you would have seen a few interesting ones along the shore as well. Glad you like my pic dear Jim, best greetings   

    fire station


    First sorry for the late reply my friend i was away from my PC a while vacationing in Ontario's Georgian Bay . Jim , i also believe lettering is bothersome/unnecessary unless it relates and is of help to the understanding of the image ...my understanding at the take then was to include the whole facade of the building thus showing the flag of the country, what the building stands for ( in red ) , the name of the town and the emergency number to call in case of the worst and what i thought was the most important element of all:  the red truck ... it makes sense Jim ,  considering the lack of one evident and verifiable subject  the eye of the viewer shifts from bottom to top and lingers in the middle long enough to be distracted ... without focusing on one particular element of the scene ... the scene is too general .. as a matter of fact it did not even cross my mind one single second that the 'antiquated' red truck could make a good subject by itself, i clicked twice recording the whole facade and i walked away ... a pity ... i cropped this one down to below the numbers to see what i could get ... huh ... nothing nice to look at  ... pixels the size of a golf ball ! Thank you Jim for your meaningful critique , it counts for me very much , my very best    

    fire station


    this is tiny Kraljeva Sutjeska 's fire station with its single and old fire truck

    partly viewed behind the door. I thought of cropping the frame down to the

    truck and door only or perhaps including the town name and phone number

    in black as a second option but finally decided to go full frame with its red

    matching letters..what do you think ?

    Petite Baie


    Thank you Larry and Jeff for your very good comments , sorry for the late reply :  i moved into a new flat , still a bit busy sprucing the place up  ! I have such photo on my desktop Larry ( more of the bottom and top left out and as Jeff mentioned also showing more of the village to the right and the sea at left .. ) . It's my preferred version and is as good if not better but in the end  i opted not to submit that one ... generally those ultra panos ( mine i 'd say ) are not very popular among the viewers ..i displayed three or four on other sites which  barely generated any views let alone any comments/reviews at all , perhaps it's me fretting ..again hey.. but decided to go for a more conventional 16:9 format . Thanks again to both of you for taking the time to review this one , very much appreciated ! Best regards , Carol 

    Petite Baie


    An end of day panoramic view of some gaily painted wooden houses lining

    up the road running along Petite Baie (Small Bay ) , Magdalen Islands ,

    Quebec . Click on the image for better viewing , what do you think ?

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