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Posts posted by sven_jolly

  1. <p>Hi all, thanks for the responses. </p>

    <p>A special thanks to Lex for the advice. I've given the various methods and try and have gotten a little closer to the look I'm wanting. Warhols Poloroids look eerily similar to teller's final product. <br>

    <br />I did find out recently that teller has been using a 5DMKIII for his work. Strange that he would move onto digital when his signature look is so hard to reproduce. </p>

  2. <p> thanks but I use Alien Skin Exposure and have tried NIK in the past. Nothing has worked, so far and I feel presets/ software still can't offer what is being done here. I was hoping someone could point me to a direction that I would be able to manually convert my images myself by using lightroom, etc.<br>

    <br />expanding on my request, I'm hoping someone could describe the process that he uses to achieve this washed out/golden look via darkroom and perhaps translate that into the digital darkroom.</p>

  3. <p>Calling all Pros!<br /> <br />I've been recently inspired by the work of Juegen Teller and the way he "paints" with his pictures. By this, I mean he has a very specific processing look to where he desaturates and also adds a faded/washed out -yet gold hue to his older film looks. <br /> Anyone have any ideas how he gets his colors and also how this could be achieved with lightroom or photoshop? I can't seem to get the desaturated look and also the gold hues/overlay<br /> Attached is a photo of his work with his direct flash (contax g2 and tla 200) and his non-flash work.</p><p><i>Per the photo.net Terms of Use, do not post photos that you did not take.</i></p>
  4. <p>Hi All,<br>

    <br />I've been recently inspired by the work of Juegen Teller and the way he "paints" with his pictures. By this, I mean he has a very specific processing look to where he desaturates and also adds a faded/washed out -yet gold hue to his older film looks. <br>

    Anyone have any ideas how he gets his colors and also how this could be achieved with lightroom or photoshop? I can't seem to get the desaturated look and also the gold hues/overlay<br>

    Attached is a photo of his work with his direct flash (contax g2 and tla 200) and his non-flash work.</p><b><b>Images removed. Per the Photo.Net Terms of Use, do not post photos you did not take.</b></b>

  5. <p>Hope this is the right place to post... Does anyone know what type of tarp this is? I've tried searching canvas tarp and the only ones that are coming up are military colors and white canvas. I'm wondering if it's a specialty tarp? I've seen a lot of similar ones in a lot of fashion photography as of late. <img src="http://24.media.tumblr.com/ddba1de9a0ab156064ba5d947b59fc99/tumblr_n0wpwxnKeM1qaz0iho6_1280.jpg" alt="" width="667" height="1000" /><br>

    I'm looking to purchase a black or dark grey tarp, or one similar to this. <br>

    If anyone can help, that would be great!</p>

  6. <p>I am looking over and gathering the responses. Thank you all for answering. Craig, I must say that it's a bit overly critical to analyze the photographers work. He's actually a very well known erotic photographer and that's his style. If you feel that you can do what he does, I challenge you to snap something similar or something you feel is more visually appealing in this regard. <br>

    I appreciate the feedback, but perhaps save the critique or your opinions on what's good and what sucks. <br>

    I happen to enjoy his work for it's pseudo simplicity. </p>

  7. <p>Hey All, <br>

    I'm still learning how to use a flash successfully as it's not TTL. Does anyone have any tips for achieving this look? I'm using a standard speedlight, a fuji x100 and a Cb-Mini RC http://www.custombrackets.com/cb-mini-rc.html.<br>

    Does anyone have any recommended settings for achieving something similar to this look?<br>

    I also have a Fuji EF-X20 flash that I haven't used for this style. Would this Flash be better?<br>


    <I><U>Caution. Nude images in links below. </U></I><P>


    NSFW : http://therealchipwillis.tumblr.com/post/63814090597/beans-kate-sweeney<br>

    NSFW: http://therealchipwillis.tumblr.com/post/53993502316/reaction-kelsey-dylan</p>

    <p>Should I be using a tripod? Since there is a leaf shutter, there is no max shutter speed for flash. Should I shoot in Aperture priority mode, then?</p>

    <p>And helpful advice would be appreciated!</p>

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