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Tony Brandstetter

PhotoNet Pro
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Image Comments posted by Tony Brandstetter



    I like the "space available" sign and the musician occupying that space. The child mesmerized, the violinist playing to an audience of...one 

    This would work well in black and white as well - 

  1. No other time in history well architecture looks back at us, this is a great time for the photographer. I like the hard edgy layer on this piece, it gives me a gritty feel that only the concrete jungle can bring. The other aspect I like is that the top fades to black.  



    Very nice street scene, not only does our subject looking hip with good eye contact but his surrounding are interesting as well. @ 333 I like the group of mannequins, that my friend is a shot in it self  

  2. Before I was married I went to the beach to pick up chicks, me being totally ugly and not bathing on a regular basis, it was hard for me to pick up women. I seen this man on the beach one day that had many women around him, so one day I got the nerve to ask him what his secret was. He explained to me that he would get a potato and put it in his swimming suit.

    The next day I got the biggest potato I could find, placed it in my Speedo and went on my quest for chicks. Well, girls would ignore me, some even ran away. The next day I saw my friend and I told him, Dude, I did what you said, I got the potato and put it in my trunks. He said, "YOU IDIOT, your supposed to put the potato in the front"! The jagoff never told me to put it in the front! 

    Am Niederrhein


    To me this image has so many representations. Perhaps a dream, walking though a field, naked, late for work. Or it could be one of the earliest color images, with it's soft lighting and with no pants. What ever way, it doesn't need pants, well done my friend 

  3. Where did you get that hat, I lost the same exact one on this site, I checked lost and found and nothing was turned in, I have my eye on you....

    I like the different, unique layering you produced in this image, containing a wide range of color from blues, to purples browns and some greens, for a healthy diet we should have some greens.... 

  4. First off, I want to know what is in your pipe from your avatar?

    I like the shadow play in this post, cascading light and shadows projected past the shoe-less man, nicely put together 

  5. I have to agree with ZT, this image does present a feeling of lonesomeness. Fascinating how her entire possessions is in the cart. I wonder how soon a certain reviewer will weigh in on this subject and voice his displeasure for you photographing this. I hope it avoids you. 

    Well done documentary image 



    All I rememebr is when All In The Family was on, Edith's relatives lived in Scranton, at times they would go visit which drove Archie nuts, he would yell out SCRANTON! As a jester of fondness when ever I hear the word, Scranton, I yell, SCRANTON! 

    Hey! I'm just down the road fro you, are you scared?

    Our friend on American Pickers calls their treasures, "Rusty Gold" . In actuality, rust and photography are made for each other, have you ever seen a painted with rust stuff in it?

    Tell all the fine people of SCRANTON I said hi, I hope Wolf Man and the Pack will fix the budget. 


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