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  1. <p>Ah yes, I have checked again. The metal frame is in there, but the ground glass is nowhere to be seen.<br> I will try to find a new one. Thank you very much!</p>
  2. <p><br />Hmm, but I wonder how it will look through the finder? I think when people look through the finder with normal lenses, there should not be the dark circle that I see in my viewfinder.<br> I have the eyepiece, it's just I took it out to see whether there is something inside that is blocking the view.</p>
  3. <p>No, I only see them through the viewfinder. It does not appear on the pictures. The greatest problem is that it hinders with the composing. </p>
  4. <p>The lenses were working properly, as I use them in my F4, and they work perfectly.<br> The eye-piece shutter also works well, as I have tried pulling the lever back and forth. It is fully open. <br> The focusing screen is also there, as I have seen it. <br> It's just there's the dark ring/circle in there, and I do not know where it comes from. It really hinders with the composing of the pictures. </p>
  5. <p>Hello, I have looked at the front of the camera, and it looks like this: I can see a black circle in it<br> <img src="http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/sokol_1993/WP_002471_zps6d9yr615.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="768" /><br> But when I look through the camera with no lens, I could not see the black circle:<br> <img src="http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/sokol_1993/WP_002473_zpsiwott8i9.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="768" /><br> With lens, it looks like this:<br> <img src="http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/sokol_1993/WP_002475_zpstjfgdkid.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="768" /><br> Looking at the viewfinder, I see a black ring there. I wonder if that is the cause of the problem? I don't know whether it is abnormal or not. <br> <img src="http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/sokol_1993/WP_002477_zpsmkodg3qe.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="768" /></p>
  6. <p>Hello photo.net,<br> <br />I have just bought a used Nikon D1x several days ago on ebay. I received it yesterday, and I just love the feeling it has. However, there seems to be a problem with the viewfinder. I take my AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 and attach it to the camera body, and there was a black circle around the viewfinder like this:<br> <img src="http://i441.photobucket.com/albums/qq135/sokol_1993/WP_002468_zpsqkjpmgjz.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="768" /></p> <p>The same thing also happens when I attach the Nikkor 70-210 lens, only that the black circle only got larger. It seems to get larger with a longer focal length.<br> <br />May I ask what is the problem with this? Can it be a problem with the viewfinder, or because it is an FX lens, that happens? I wouldn't think so. Does anybody have experience with this problem?<br> <br />Thank you!</p>
  7. <p>Thank you very much for your review Karel! I am thinking of getting a D1x, as they are so cheap on ebay nowadays, but I am only iffy that it was so old and maybe it's not comparable with similar price bodies. After reading your review, I would pick one up soon! How much did you pay for yours?</p>
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