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Image Comments posted by terrence_kent


    sure it could be better but what photo couldnt, its an amazing bit of timing and technique, love it really, except for the goofy aspect of her looking like she's about to sneeze hehe, wonderful image~
  1. i dont know, whatever. anyway, this is weird, strange photojournalistic oddnessittyness, i think a touch of crop to pull it into the upper left of the frame could tighten the comp a bit, but otherwise its pretty kewl


    true, it has alot going for it, colors, repitions, etc etc, but its still just spools of cloth or whatever, if the lighting was incredible, yes id reshoot it, or if it was some great project of importance to you, but otherwise, neh~



    if you posted this on usefilm you'd have gotten at least a dozen comments by now, consider building a folio over yonder where at least a dozen or so people have taste enough (and the ability to actually find the images amongst the fray) to comment properly

    anyway, agreed, the blue monochromatic scheme is great, its got the geometric appeal i dig so much, even a touch of human element placed perfectly - and under difficult circumstances at that - incredible work


    true, you could shove a face in the donut hole there, but why mess up an abstract image with some big gob of nose and ears, i say crop it to a kewl square within the swirly donut thingy, or land the base of it some to let it stand alone, or nothing at all - great shot iddi


    I won't claim I find the photo incredible, but then again neither does the photographer himself. But, I will add this - in terms of shooting "what's there", none of us want that. What we try to do is shoot what we, as individuals, see. Thus, my reasoning for why the photographer's comments were not inane.
  2. See, and i think ive nailed something down here, what makes your work in general, great (to me), is the sort of thematic way everything becomes some sort of idyllic daydream. This beach has a very surreal look to it, and i'll be damned if i know how you keep doing this.
  3. print films in these situations - how on earth do i keep the theoretically unexposed areas (dark backgrounds etc) from printing as grain? What do you do? Short of using slide film, or over exposing my midtones and burning down, i dunno.
  4. Perchance, do you, yourself, practice the usage and or technique of highlight preservation in the sense of multiple readings and such with compensation factors and all that, or a more modest method along the lines of reading "a" highlight and opening up to your liking. And what is your favorite color? Hehehe
  5. Ah, the truth comes out. Dog's are out to turn us cat people into dog owners (they prefer the variety of dry food the cat's get, apparenly)- and the chances are good, dogs are much more cooperative with photography i find.
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