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Image Comments posted by vsmith

  1. I couldn't agree more about the make up. over the years I've taken so many photos of her that Sometimes a little game of dress up is in order to get her in the spirit. Its almost like a bribe. This type of image was not my goal when I was putting the make-up on her.  The only processing I did on the eyes was a sharpening. was it too much? She just has some killer baby blues that do amazing things in photographs. Thanks so much to everyone.

  2. This subject is my beautiful Daughter. We were playing around in

    last years Halloween costume. She truly is my angel. Anyway. I

    added a texture and a matte effect in Adobe Photoshop Elements

    11. I was going for a kind-of Victorian-ish feel. I'm not sure if I

    accomplished that. Any Critique is welcome and appreciated. Thanks

    in advance.



    Only in south Arkansas do we have roses in November. So I couldn't

    help but take advantage of the opportunity. All critique welcome.

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