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Posts posted by nom

  1. Some of my photos shot with the GA645Zi are not sharp where they

    SHOULD be. A friend's full body portrait at about 4 meters away,

    focused carefully on his face, shows my friend slightly soft while

    the soil, leaves etc that were 40-50 cm closer to the camera are

    amazingly sharp! I always check the AF setting before shooting to

    avoid apparent errors that some times occur, but you can only focus

    in steps with GA's. I thought that they give an approximate setting

    i.e. 3m but in reality they focus accurately on the object. Now I

    start suspecting that they only focus in the (15) steps that we can

    see in the manual focus mode. Please tell me that I am wrong and they

    focus accurately in the intermediate distances!...

  2. I am going to be the only photographer -something that I always hated-

    at my best friend's twin babies' baptism. So, there are two options:

    Use my Nikon outfit and have a sure success , or go for the medium

    format quality using my GA645Zi -this is what I really want-


    Still, I don't have the special GA external flash, I only have an old

    but reliable Metz 30 without! the adapter for wider lenses, and my

    Nikon SB-28 flash that is capable of wide lenses.


    I think that the Metz will cover a 28mm lens field (in 135 format)-

    is this right? Will it be enough for the wide end of the Fuji Zi? (I

    don't think so) But is it possible to use it on the Zi without short

    circuits and other problems anyway?


    The SB-28 would be wide enough, but I read that some modern flashes

    will cause the Zi to block or even damage it. Any experience from you

    about this? Should I work on manual or what?


    Finally, what if I trust the little on camera flash alone? It will be

    a silly and self-destructive choice? Since it is a 12GN flash it will

    give a range of 4.2 meters with 160 ISO film at maximum aperture.


    The baptism is on June 23, so please help before this deadline.



  3. Hello friends,


    I understand that some Fuji owners still do not know exactly what the

    problem is with loose film rolls, so here is the answer:


    This problem happens with ANY (Fuji or non-Fuji) film if your take up

    spool is non-Fuji. Why? Because Fuji spools are -of course- the same

    external length as all the others, but they have slightly thinner

    discs, so they provide about half millimeter more space for the film.

    This is not important for a manual wind camera as the winding

    strength is big, but it is VERY important for a camera that winds the

    film with a motor. No matter how carefully you load the film or

    helping it with your fingers to wind flat, you may have loose film

    problems. What we can do? Simple! Just ask your lab to keep your Fuji

    spools and give them back to you. Then, AFTER you use a non-Fuji

    film, remember to throw away the non-Fuji spool from your camera and

    use one of the spare Fuji spools that you have as the next take up

    spool. No more problems! :o)


    By the way, after 2 months with my new Zi I have to admit that I

    absolutely LOVE this baby. She's a sweetheart. People that complain

    about this camera they just didn't understand what this camera's use

    is and they bought something different than what they need. There is

    no "perfect" camera for all uses, no matter how much money you spend.

    If you would like to start a conversation about this item I will be

    happy to participate.


    Kisses to all from beautiful Greece,



  4. My new baby is here! A beautiful, used but mint Fuji GA645Zi. I have

    no instructions manual though. I found my way to most settings,

    except I can't adjust the date and time. Also, how I adjust the

    shutter speeds in Manual mode, and what is the "AS" setting?

    OK, I know that probably they're silly questions, but I didn't find

    out by now and I can think many other useful things to spend my time

    on instead. Besides, friends are here to help, eh? :o)


    BTW, she's sooooo cute!!!



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