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Bill C1664885404

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Everything posted by Bill C1664885404

  1. <p>The 50 Macro arrived today...those last two shots I posted are using it. I also took a couple casual snapshots across the backyard and it does great as a regular 50mm lens to...as does the 100. Zero complaints for a couple of like new specialty lenses for very little money.</p>
  2. <p>In experimenting to see just how much detail was there if I cropped it up even further, I discovered that what I thought was a drop of dew was actually one of the tiny micro sized small petals on that 'anther'.</p> <p><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTOGRAPHY/FLOWERS/060614FD100mm40MacroExt50SUPERCropped_zps0ceac9f8.jpg" alt="" /></p>
  3. <p><strong>Wow…additional test shots using FD 50 extension tube and tripod.<br /></strong><strong>This $99 Canon FD 100/4.0 Macro lens is very sharp picking up detail…I never even saw the single drop of dew at the bottom of the left hand ‘anther’ looking through the lens…only after I cropped it up...definitely a keeper.</strong><strong><br /></strong><br> <strong><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTOGRAPHY/FLOWERS/060614FD100mm40MacroExt50_zpsdfc4daf7.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="533" /><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTOGRAPHY/FLOWERS/060614FD100mm40MacroExt50Cropped_zps0f0b06ad.jpg" alt="" /></strong></p>
  4. <p><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTOGRAPHY/FLOWERS/PetuniaFD100mm40Macro_28402M_zps86cb766a.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="533" /><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTOGRAPHY/FLOWERS/PetuniaFD100mm40Macro_28402MCropped_zpsdc19f8f8.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="485" /></p> <p>The FD 100/4.0 Macro just arrived...stepped out and took a couple hasty test shots on a monopod to know if it even worked or not. Hanging basket of Petunias had a very slight sway in the breeze, tried to time the shots when it had swung to a stopping / reversal point, LOL.<br> Shot it native, no tube... 1st photo is original...2nd photo is cropped up to see how the detail looked and the little grains of pollen seem sharp...and the background is incredibly smooth. Lens looks like new, everything seems to work, will learn more about macro lenses and techniques as I get into it deeper this summer.</p>
  5. The 50 and 100 are on their way. Thanks for KEH. I'll check them out for a 200.
  6. <p>I appreciate all that info as well.<br> So, in spite of "the best laid plans of mice and men to just make do with what I already had"...if you guys get a moment, take a peek at each of these. 100% positive rating, return policy, includes shipping, seems like a pretty good price and pretty low risk.<br> (Scroll down a screen or so to the main item)<br> http://www.ebay.com/itm/141306155069?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649<br> http://www.ebay.com/itm/111371878283?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649</p>
  7. <p>50mm is an awfully short focal length.<br> Do you also happen to have any first hand knowledge about the FD 100mm macro?</p>
  8. <p>Thanks for going to all that trouble Philip...<br> I also experimented with a FD50 extension tube on FD 85 / 135 / 200 primes, and then the 50-135 / 70-150 zooms. So right at this point...(just using a glass of flowers on the kitchen counter)...I came away liking the Extension Tube + 70-150 zoom a lot.<br /><br /> It seemed to have a good moderate working distance from the subject and the ability to tweak an overall zone of focus with the zoom rather than repositioning the tripod...plus, I already knew its IQ / color rendition was excellent from a lot of close-up flower shots at a local Arboretum last year so I may have a starting point.<br> It's still very early on the learning curve, but I think what I have will work for some halfway decent beginner macros.<br />(And if an FD 200/4 Macro should fall into my lap at an affordable price.....well) </p>
  9. <p>A few different lenses have been mentioned now, not sure which one you're referring to?</p>
  10. I have the 2.8, and even it is a great little lens
  11. <p>Another FD lens I've been thinking about / looking for is the Canon FD 200 / 4.0 Macro.<br> Short of finding a clean used affordable one, I have an FD 200/2.8...plus I have an FD 50 Extension Tube...anyone know if that combination would get me in the ballpark?</p>
  12. <p>"...it's a little bit surprising to me that they even bothered to produce it!..."</p> <p>Yes, seems like Canon kicked a lot of people to the curb worldwide when they stepped from FD to EOS </p>
  13. <p>Yeah, puzzling...and like your suggestion about zooms covering those ranges, there is also the FD 80-200-L zoom.<br> Yet equally puzzling, in addition to the two offering of FD 300's, there were also two 400's, two 500's, etc...maybe those decisions were market driven, given that a lot of folks wouldn't afford L versions in the big teles.<br> And on that note, I have both a 300/4.0 and 300/4.0-L...and have often wondered if my particular 300/4.0 was simply mis labeled or something as it has such outstanding "L"-like IQ.<br> Thanks again for all the good info...<br> </p>
  14. <p>All good info and I've bookmarked the links for future reference, thanks.<br> And to the other question...(setting aside this rare / very fast f1.8 example)...apparently there is no routinely available "L" version of an FDn 200mm, like exists for most all the other FDn focal lengths?<br />Seems odd they would have made so many other "L" focal lengths but skipped the 200mm...a focal length that I assume was / is a pretty popular one among photographers.</p>
  15. <p>In fact, that's the lens reference I stumbled across in Wikipedia...says made in 1989...and was just in disbelief because I never hear anything about a 200mm-L version, to say nothing of a really fast 1.8-L version...was wondering if it might have been a typo, etc</p>
  16. <p>Trying to verify something...does anyone "know" / can anyone confirm...if Canon did indeed make an "L" version of the FDn 200mm tele?<br /> Seems like they made an "L" version in basically every FDn focal length shorter and longer than 200mm, even the excellent FD 80-200mm-L zoom...but I never see an FD 200mm-L 'tele' up for sale or anything.</p>
  17. FD 24/2.8 FD 85/1.8 FD 35-105/3.5 FD 80-200/4.0-L FD 300/4.0-L FD 400/4.5 Just sold the last A1, and a few lenses...(couple 50/1.8, 80-20-4.0, 70-210/4.0)
  18. What timing for this thread...my last Canon A1 just sold.
  19. IMO they're an outstanding camera...at my peak in film days I had 3 A1's, with Motor Drives. Kept them all these years along with a good size inventory of Canon FDn lenses. Finally resigned myself to the fact that I wouldnt be getting back into film and put the A1's up for sale earlier this year...couple have already sold so the demand says something about them as well.
  20. <p>Interesting approach on that adapter, good work.</p> <p>As an aside, even if filters were available for the size of the Canon 300/4.0's, I don't believe the inside of the hood is actually threaded to "screw" anything into...I believe what appear to be "threads" at first glance are nothing more than concentric "light baffle lines" inside</p>
  21. <p><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTOGRAPHY/BIRDS/BLUEBIRDS/DSC003301C_zps9ab3536a.jpg" alt="" /><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTOGRAPHY/BIRDS/BLUEBIRDS/DSC003281C_zpsd7c9f23f.jpg" alt="" width="758" height="800" /></p> <p>I find the Canon FD 400/4.5 an excellent bird lens</p>
  22. <p>I'm guessing you might have meant to say 300/2.8...or I may be misunderstanding something.<br> (the FD 300/4.0-L uses the 34mm).</p>
  23. <p>Shot this today using a Canon FD 400/4.5 on a Sony NEX-7...little Carolina Wren was 50' away.<br> <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v630/roundball/PHOTOGRAPHY/BIRDS/CAROLINA%20WRENS/1-CarolinaWrenresting_DSC00184_zpse6753228.jpg" alt="" /></p> <p> </p>
  24. <p>With my primary interest in wildlife photography, I bought a Canon FD 400/4.5 back in film days during the 80's...and have always considered it an excellent lens...and still shudder when I recall what I had to pay for it back then.<br /><br />Now retired and heavily reengaged in my photography hobby, my entire inventory of good Canon FD lenses I saved all these years are back in operation on some Sony NEX-7's...and I use the 400/4.5 so much that I bought a mint condition spare I ran across on Ebay last year at a very good low price.<br /> <br /> A quick example using the Canon FD 400/4.5 with a Canon FD 2x tele-extender, ISO400. <br />Cardinals were about 50' away...pretty sharp for 800mm:<br> <br /> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wTSjMm4xmk<br> (not sure why this YouTube link isn't active in this thread...cut and paste it in your Browser)</p>
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